Liverpool anti Covid-19 lockdown - protesters clash with cops - NWO BS Headlines!
4 years ago
Original "The Sun" ---> ⁣

⁣It's not the "lie-rus" that is out to get us but the Global NWO under the religion of "Trust the Science" that wants to rule over your very soul. DO NOT CONSENT!

This is more Main Scream Media NWO BS! ⁣Clash. .... where? I see no clash.... stop reporting with fake headlines.

⁣Am I confused about the word "Clash", does it now mean walking down the street peacefully?!?!

===== Here's is the Sun Headlines =============

⁣HUNDREDS of angry anti-lockdown protesters chanting "freedom" clashed with cops Saturday.

It comes as England has more than two weeks left of the second lockdown to contend with.

Protesters brandished signs and walked in close-knit groups through Bournemouth, Ipswich and Liverpool on Saturday afternoon.

Several arrests were made in Liverpool and Ipswich, where police condemned those risking spreading the virus.

Three were taken into custody in Ipswich, with cops saying there is no exemption for people taking part in public protests.

A spokesman added that the force would not tolerate any kind of public gathering.

And in Liverpool, where a Dispersal Zone was set up in anticipation of the protesters, 15 people were arrested.


⁣Check this out--->

Dr Carrie Madej has set up a website exposing this whole Plan-demic ... focusing on the "Fake Science" concerning the "lie-rus" and the dangers of vaccines, especially this mRNA one. The whole world is being deceived by a Luciferian agenda to advance the NWO Antichrist Kingdom and all government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are guilty of willingly participating in crimes against humanity! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha! - Rogersings

The ABCs of Salvation -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)
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