Head Winds 21 [Documentary] film by Marijn Poels
2 years ago
⁣STOCKHOLM - Headwind”21 asks questions about wind energy and attempts to visualize the global green narrative. Ultimately it rubs truth deep into the wounds of the wind industry.
Poels took half a year to investigate and produce this film when he first came into contact with former London banker, Alexander Pohl, who worked for years for one of the world's greenest banks.
Alexander gradually woke up to the fact that today's green is actually an ego-driven, corrupt, and broken system. Giving up banking and emigrating with his family led him to a little forest paradise in remote, northern Sweden.
The dream was to get back to Nature, start an eco-farm and put as much distance as he could between his family and the industrialization of nature. Until….. A wind park was planned at the gates of his paradise garden.
Poels and Pohl are taking the journey together…. to ask questions and unravel the green wonderland to its true core …
“Alexander and I are real environmentalists”, Poels said “And we both are willing to pay an effort to stabilize the natural balance if needed. We like to debate the premise from a more democratic and holistic perspective. But we noticed when big corporates are involved in “doing good” it overruns its own goal and the big interests make directions that become stupid.
It’s not overpopulation, it’s not the unwillingness of people but it’s simply the order of thinking… “
For more information please contact Marijn Poels at film@marijnpoels.com or have a look at marijnpoels.com/headwind
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