If the NWO is RELYING on me to JOIN them and DO MY JOB! - Satire
3 years ago
Mirrored from FB ---> ⁣https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=685952982370569

This video is at least 6 years old ... We are living through a Pinky and the Brain Episode in REAL LIFE ... Pinky "What shall we do today?" Brain "The same thing we do EVERYDAY ... Try and TAKE over the WORLD!"

The problem is that people with good morals and values tend to not want to control other people, so it's invariably the worst of society that ends up being at the top. This is true in socialist and "communist" countries as well as capitalist countries.

The Stock Market crash in the 1920's was due to the America people's addiction to EASY money and DEBT and it is happening again! We want to BLAME the GREEDY opportunists and Nefarious Swindlers who prey upon our life for our problems but to a large extent they ONLY succeed in making us SLAVES to DEBT because we want to be something we are NOT ... living a life beyond our MEANS.

This is a world of that is FALLEN in SIN, therefore INJUSTICE is the normal ... and although we should do what is RIGHT and LOVE our fellow man, we shouldn't EXPECT to be able to FIX this world and see JUSTICE completed in this world.

⁣Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” - ⁣John 18:36

We are NOT created by God to RULE over one another but ALL of CREATION is to be UNDER the Dominion and Rulership of Jesus Christ.

⁣So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that [h]moves on the earth.”

Even as God gave DOMINION to Adam and Eve over everything on earth, this DOMINION was to be exercised UNDER the Lordship of Jesus who walked with them in the Garden of Eden. God's plan for man and His creation has NOT been destroyed by Satan and SIN ... but DELAYED. Those who put their TRUST in Christ will RULE and REIGN with Christ and share in the INHERITENCE and DOMINION over the in New Heaven and Earth.

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, - Romans 3:23

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16

The ABCs of Salvation explained by JD Farag --> https://youtu.be/XyNuvJNE3-Q
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)

The UDB's of Salvation explained on Rogersings website ---> ⁣http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/
U – Understand that God is holy and God hates sin because sin has destroyed His world and sin separates you from His love and sin separates you from eternal life with God.
D – Desire to be reconciled to God and saved from the eternal death sentence that you are under because you were born with a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN).
B – Believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the grave proving He is the only begotten Son of God who will take away your sin.

⁣Dear Jesus,

I ask You to forgive me of my Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) ... which I was born with ... a NATURE that makes me think I can get through this world without You, God. I REPENT of this "I did it my way" attitude, which is REBELLION toward You and Your PLAN for me. I ask You to SAVE me from my SIN so I am NO Longer separated from You.

I believe that You, Jesus are the Son God ... You are God in the FLESH. I believe You died on the cross for me and shed Your blood for me as the PAYMENT for my SIN and I believe that You rose from the grave on the third day to PROVE that EVERYTHING You SAID is TRUE! ⁣I RECEIVE You Jesus into my LIFE through Your HOLY Spirit so I am Spiritually BORN AGAIN. Thank You for saving my soul. Thank You for forgiving all my sins (past, present and future) and thank You for giving me Eternal Life and being IN me, never to FORSAKE me, EVER PRESENT to guide me, discipline me, comfort me and give me JOY! Amen
With your mind you BELIEVE
With your heart you RECEIVE
With your mouth you CONFESS
You're no longer DECEIVED!

Blessings to the Family of God - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
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