COVID-19 bill started a 180-day countdown for UFO disclosures!
4 years ago
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The Operation "WARP SPEED" is a code name for opening an interdimentional door way (faster than light) for fallen Angels to come to earth ---> ⁣

⁣I GUARANTEE You More “Alien” And “UFO” Disclosure Is Coming In 2021!!! ---> ⁣


⁣Aliens = Fallen Angels according to the Bible
Interdimensional Beings Reported by NASA = DECEPTION!

What does it all mean? Speculate in the comment section ... Jesus is coming!

⁣President Trump’s signature Sunday on the $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill started a 180-day countdown for the Pentagon and spy agencies to say what they know about UFOs.

The provision received very little attention, in part because it wasn’t included in the text of the 5,593-page legislation, but as a “committee comment” attached to the annual intelligence authorization act, which was rolled into the massive bill.

The Senate Intelligence Committee, chaired by Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), said in the comment that it “directs the [director of national intelligence], in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the heads of such other agencies … to submit a report within 180 days of the date of enactment of the Act, to the congressional intelligence and armed services committees on unidentified aerial phenomena.”

The Post's Steven Greenstreet and Nick Pope, former director of the Ministry of Defence's "UFO office" breakdown this latest news.

Catch up on all things UFO in the Post's own video series, "The Basement Office":


⁣We KNOW Who THEY Are- Exposing the Galactic Federation “ Aliens”
Let’s review the news article and a look into what the Bible says about this.

For weeks, folks have been talking about this claim that Alien contact has been made, communications have been going on for years and there’s an apparent contract of sorts between nations on earth and this so called “Galactic Federation.”

It’s been all over the news, but we need to expose this for what it is. Because when this goes down, some folks are going to lose it. It’s all fun and games until this great delusion happens. I’m going to share supportive scripture that points to this deception in play BEFORE the Rapture of the Church builds upon some of the recent Bible studies that were shared in regards to the sequence of events leading into the Tribulation.

Your confirmation will be the collapse of the world government and the rise of 10 world leaders in the new world government THEN this delusion event happens. Then the Rapture, Then the revealing of the AntiChrist. That’s the sequence of events per Daniel 7, Revelation 12 and Revelation 13.

For those that don’t know Christ, those that are not saved, I encourage you to repent. That means to change your mind about sin. The sequence of events forthcoming is a segway into the Tribulation, which is due to sin. Jesus Christ died on the Cross for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day just like scripture says.

Romans 10:9-10
9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Alright, I will leave it here. Until we meet again. Live Holy before the Lord. Love y’all. Shalom



Whether we accept it or not, our world is enthralled with the topic of UFOs and aliens. Right now, just looking at current statistics in the United States of America, more people believe in the existence of UFOs and aliens than they do in the existence of God. More people in the United States of America believe that aliens have visited planet Earth than Jesus is the Son of God.

So many people are obsessed with UFO-logy because Hollywood has been promoting it. The lie of Evolution sets the foundation for this study. UFO-logy has become the new religion of the 21st Century in our own country. It’s adherents believe that aliens are going to save them; not God. Haven’t you ever watched “Star Trek” or “Star Wars”?


In a fascinating interview with Vox, Pasulka describes how she sees the human relationship with aliens mirroring the birth of a new religion: something beyond the human realm communicates with a person, that person shares their experience, and a new religious narrative emerges.

As for why humans might be more willing to embrace this new “religion” of alien belief now than in the past, Pasulka says advances in space exploration play a role — but she also thinks an increasing belief that our planet is headed toward a crisis factors into the equation.

“A lot of people see disaster on the horizon, and there’s a deep fear that we won’t be able to save ourselves,” she told Vox. “So what will save us? Well, for some, it will be these advanced beings who come to us and tell us what we can do or how we can escape.”

From a biblical perspective, number one, you know that there is something deceptive going on because the very nature and the whole premise of UFOs are built on a lie. It is called the lie of Evolution. When these aliens are supposedly going to show up, they’re expected to say, “We’re a higher, evolved race.” But, the whole alien premise, their whole identity when they supposedly show up on the scene, is a lie. Now, go back to the Scriptures. In John 8, what does Jesus say? “Satan is not only a murderer, and he’s been one since the beginning, he’s a liar, and he’s the father of all lies.” The alien’s claim to evolutionary superiority tells you right out of the gate that you are being deceived.

The Bible teaches about that soon coming event called the Rapture of the Church . Soon there will be an event that will occur around the globe where millions of people from all across the planet instantaneously disappear, and they’ll specifically only be Christians. You just can’t spin that baby. You can’t hide that event. So, you better come up with some good excuse.

Think about how slowly and methodically the Enemy has been preparing their lie to explain away the Rapture. It started with Evolution back in the 1850s, and Hollywood has perpetuated it today. All somebody has to do right after the Rapture is stand upon the world scene, maybe somebody even like the Pope, and try to reassure people. He may say, “Hey, people! I just want you to know. You were right all along. The government has been hiding this truth from you. UFOs and aliens are real. See, that’s why all of these people have disappeared. It was aliens. They beamed all of those Christians up to their ships.”How crazy! After all, the event that starts the seven-year Tribulation will be the Antichrist, as Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 6:1 reveal, this White Horse Rider, initiates a false peace. The people will go, “This is true. Look! He made a deal in the Middle East that nobody could do. How amazing! We’ve at last got peace on our planet. Everybody has come together, even religion and government. How amazing! How wonderful!” Nope! You just found yourself left behind in the seven-year Tribulation. It wasn’t UFOs that sucked those people up. That was Jesus Christ coming back to collect His Bride.

I’m convinced this fascination with UFOs provides us a great opportunity to witness to the lost. The lost are enthralled with UFOs and aliens, and to me, it provides a fantastic opportunity to share the Gospel with them.

UFO phenomenon is preparing people to explain away the Rapture. Aliens would provide a great explanation to explain away the Rapture. There are going to be all kinds of explanations, but the alien excuse certainly is going to be the one I would expect the public to be most willing to accept. Yes, especially in a time of crisis and on such a massive scale. Human nature gravitates toward any lame excuse just to maintain one’s sanity. Aliens are not a lame excuse for the Rapture because with this one the world is ripe to fall for it!

There is a strong deception with stories of UFO’s and aliens being readied once the rapture happens!

More recent headlines...
• 'Galactic Federation' of Aliens Are in Contact With US and Israeli Governments, Claims Former Official!
• There could be more than 30 alien civilizations in the Milky Way, shocking study says!
• Leaked photo from Pentagon UFO task force shows 'silver cube' hovering over the Atlantic at 35,000ft - as classified reports reveal concerns 'aliens' could be operating beneath the world's seas!
• Pope Francis Says He Would Definitely Baptize Aliens If They Asked Him To!
• Are Aliens Responsible For Mystery Monoliths Appearing Across The World?
• Milky Way may be full of aliens who annihilated themselves, study says!
• Guardians of the galaxy: Mike Pence names members of new US space force!

The globalists and the elites know whats coming...THE RAPTURE!

All the ingredients for THE NWO are forming right in front of our eyes...a one world leader...a one world government....a one world currency....a one world religion!

Here is the article on my website...https://[a][a][a][a][/a][/a]

As this dispensation of the church age (The Age Of Grace) draws to an end, it’s time for us to take our stand as Children of the Light(1 Thessalonians) and tell a lost and dying world that it’s time to repent, believe the Gospel, and be converted to a new life in Jesus Christ today! Explain to them with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10)!

My pdf on the TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS speaks on the 2 words CONVERGENCE and AGENDA that define the very final moments that we are living in! Please use it to wake people up in these very final moments!:

That trumpet is going to sound any day now!

God bless
Watchman in the wilderness🙏
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