⁣Why Are So Many Asleep? | The Emperor has No Clothes On
3 years ago
⁣Why Are So Many Asleep? / The Emperor has No Clothes On
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX4p0U3r31U&t=1s - Oct 6, 2021
Why is it often impossible to have a logical conversation about current events with family and friends? It's because they don't know six basic things that you know, and what's more, they don't want to know. What are these six things?

Why are all the Governments walking in Lockstep in imposing a POLICE State on their citizens? Why do rules keep changing and politicians don't stand up for the citizens? Why is there so much CENSORSHIP on the Internet? Why are small businesses going out of business and Large Business dictating policy?

1. There is a group of Oligarchy from Finance Banking Business who want to RESHAPE society with WEF and Gates were planning a pandemic months before this one manifested.

2. These Bankers and Billionaires control the Governments of the world.

3. These Oligarchs think Capitalism has run its course and is unable to SAVE the PLANET, so they want to collapse the old system and 6uild 6ack 6etter a new one where they will have COMPLETE control over all things on the Internet of Things!

4. By 2030 they want to get rid of private property rights.

5. They think the scam-demic is a great opportunity to achieve the SUSTAINABLE goals of the 2030 agenda.

6. In order to regulate people and annihilate resistance they need to set up a surveillance State starting with a Health Passport and moving to a Social Credit System to control behavior.

The Matrix is a system of a FALSE reality... but most people are NOT ready to be unplugged from the Matrix and will FIGHT to remain PLUGGED into it!

People seek a SAFE familiar place and will Desperately CLING to it in FEAR ... becoming agitated by LOGIC and FACTS that Expose the fallacy of their SAFE SPACE ideology. To them it's about EMOTIONS not LOGIC.

They OBEY Authority and believe the Authorities would NEVER do them harm.

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Why Are You Awake When So Many Aren't ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKBaW65Qx9A - Oct 20, 2021

Normal Group - Sheeple who want to be LEAD. They TRUST and OBEY authority and believe Academia is infallible. Awake Group - Very skeptical of Authority and know people can have ulterior motives. They value Personal FREEDOM

1. The political establishment is completely compromised.

2. The Vaccines have NOTHING to do with Health but to implement a Digital Passport Identity and a Surveillance State

3. Selling Vaccines is PROFITABLE for Big Pharma. Money is the GREASE that keeps the wheels of the NWO moving toward Human Extinction!

4. Vaccines have a TERRIBLE Track Record of DAMAGING and KILLING people.

5. This JAB has a TERRIBLE Track Record of ADVERSE Reaction and DEATH and the LONG TERM Health consequences are unknown!

Those in control desperately want us all vaxxed as soon as possible. Why is this? And why are you awake to the agenda, while so many choose to be asleep? There are five major points which awake people understand that asleep people do not. Here they are.

How do you reason with psychopaths? You don't ... stand up to them, Say NO and speak the TRUTH!


Why Are So Many Asleep | The Emperor has No Clothes On - BustingTheBox -

BustingTheBox, Why Are So Many Asleep, The Emperor has No Clothes On.
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