Harry Vox interviews Satan Klaus - What is the NOT so Great NWO Reset?
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4 years ago
Original ⁣"Harry Vox" Unsafe Space ----> ⁣⁣https://www.bitchute.com/video/1Dwv8Fnrxx2N/

Are you "⁣Klaustrophobic" ... well you should be! Harry Vox explains with comedy and sarcasm how Klaus Schwab must have watched to many exposodes of "Pinky and the Brain" and how his plans to rule the world are more like those dreamed up by ⁣"Wile E Coyote"!

⁣Economist Says ‘Great Reset Will Cause A Crash Worse Than 1930s’ ---> ⁣https://harbingersdaily.com/economist-says-great-reset-will-cause-a-crash-worse-than-1930s/

Harry Vox - Unsafe Space
Thank you for your kind words. The secret is that I don't want to be more widely known. I do this as an experimental example - to hopefully inspire others to do the same - to try to return the world to being a safe place for us all to live - and then I want nothing more than to disappear into it - and do what I was doing before these threats come along.

⁣Dangerous alliance of Rothschild and Vatican of Francis ---> ⁣https://www.newagebd.net/article/125494/dangerous-alliance-of-rothschild-and-vatican-of-francis

⁣⁣This is a good video to explain the NOT so Great NWO Rese from a Biblical standpoint - Antichrist Kingdom Rising (Part 1) ---> ⁣https://youtu.be/teTHn0dFJSY

Trump is part of the NOT so Great Global NWO Reset ... who do you think is pushing the WARP SPEED EXECUTION of Americans ... it's Trump! Who do you think allows Fauci and Gates to spew their fear and NWO agenda ... it's Trump! Who do you think is pushing Big Pharma drug ... it's Trump! Who do you think employs Deep State players to run the NWO Federal Reserve and CFR ... it's Trump! Yes, Biden is sold out to the Globalist but Trump is guilty of committing crimes against humanity by playing along with this plan-demic and experimenting upon mankind with a mRNA VAXX!

Trump was "selected" in 2016 to as a "distraction" for patriots, to give them a false sense of taking down Deep State traitors to the Constitution ... but really Trump has sourrounded himself with these Swamp Creatures of the Washing Lagoon! Trump has exposed some of the evil by Demon-rats who back Iran and China but he hasn't done anything to address the "root" of Deep State evil which is the Zionnist controlled BANKS that control America!

Trump is there to cause either a civil war or a war with Iran or a war with China ... take your pick but all these options are there to WEAKEN America, while the real Deep State Zionist gain more ground. When nations battle against each other, those nations get weaker and the nations NOT in the fight get stronger. If you played the game of "RISK" you understand this simple but profound concept.

Trump says one thing and does another ... this is called DECEPTION! I am disappointed that Jan Markell and associates do not call out the "Deceiver in Chief" for pushing the NWO Globalist agenda and endangering lives with unnecessary vaccines and allowing the economy to be crashed, putting us into more debt and dependence on the Government! Is the choice in your mind only Trump or the World? Do you think you can "dance with the devil" and please the Lord? Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them - Ephesian 5:11


Rogersings Rants about the NWO agenda, replying to a comment on this video ...⁣

RustyCarousel comment: The comedy kind of harped on the "Jewish" aspect a bit. Isn't it CCP money anyway?

⁣The World Economic Forum is NOT run by China's money and power but by Zionist Elites - Rothschilds, the Freemasons, Illumaniti, CFR, Federal Reserve and CIA ... the usual suspects. Zionist to me means a desire to rule over the nations of the world from Mt Zion as "king" of the world (a title and honor reserved for the King of Kings - Jesus Christ!). I think China was chosen by the Elite as the place to kick-off the scam-demic because it is already a totalitarian NWO state and they set the stage for the world to follow, promoting lockdowns, high tech surveillance and Government control the people in the name of stopping the "lie-rus".

The "old school" threats to Democracy like Communism, Socalism, Islam and wars between nations are fading as the NEW NWO threat of Technocracy takes center stage. The nations are in a race for a place at the table of the NWO Antichrist Kingdom, to claim a piece of the Global pie, but it's a race of Big Corporations and Big Technology who are setting up some kind of Global AI control system for "The World Incorporated''. It looks to me like the nation that can push this "scam-demic" agenda with the most success and the fastest (at WARP SPEED), crashing their economy, terrorising their citizens and vaccinating them with a COVID-PASS for identification will get the biggest piece of the NWO pie!

And here's something to think about "WARP SPEED" has to do with LIGHT, traveling faster than the speed of light ... ⁣And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. (⁣2 Corinthians 11:14). All this talk about a new SPACE GUARDIAN FORCE and aliens who want to contact us. This is part of the end time deception to think Fallen Angels are friendly aliens from outter space. Perjaps they will say they have taken the some people with them, which will be the explaination of the Rapture!

China and Russia are threats to US Democracy but the real threat of their influence over America is only a smoke screen to cause confusion, distraction and division among Americans ... causing us to hate each other, distrust one another ... leading to a civil war which will destroy our Constitutional freedom and then the Military will step in and disarm the citizens, making America a tyranny NWO Government.

The sad situation is America is already a tyranny NWO government, it's just a "secret" run one, by Zionist government officials who make the real decisions, like the Federal Reserve, CFR and CIA. The Trumpsters who want to free America from the Deep State are not really looking to end the Zionist control of our nation, they are just trying to rearrange the chairs on the titanic while America is set to crash into the sea of the NWO.

Look, I am a computer systems analyst for 40 years so I don't pretend to understand all the evil and Luciferin madness that plays out in the world. My hope and stand is upon Jesus the Rock of my Salvation. Blessings to you.

Check out this article I wrote about the nations who desire to rule over Mt Zion ---> ⁣http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/mt-zion-mt-moriah-mt-calvary/
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