Excellent! High school student exposes the Roanoke County, Virginia school board on mask mandates
3 years ago
⁣Courageous high school student exposes the Roanoke County, Virginia school board on mask mandates.
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin has passed a state-wide executive order barring all Virginia school systems from imposing any mask mandates on their students. This EO went into effect yesterday (Monday).
Despite this, the Roanoke County school board decided last Friday to KEEP the mask mandates in place well into February (defying Youngkin's executive order) and will then "revisit the issue."
Roanoke County is a very conservative area that has allowed a few loud voices to dictate policy as of late.
Contact information for Roanoke County Public Schools and the school board members can be found below. Please feel free to let them know your thoughts on this issue. You never know, they might just find a backbone...
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