New York State seeks to MANDATE COVID-19 vaccine! Damn the "Blowback" WARP SPEED ahead!
4 years ago
The "Science" of CORONA - It's a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know if you have it with a ⁣preventative vaccine so safe that you have to be forced to take it or else you are not allowed to participate in society! Coversion by ⁣Coercion ... yeah freedom!

Welcome to the Global New World Order
Such a Liberal place and real safe space
Everything is fine and works the way it ought to
Just sell your soul and do what you're told

"Trust the Science" is the religion of the NWO ... are you a believer and planning to be a COVID PASS card carrying member of the congregation?

⁣Hotels Consider Requiring All Guests To Have COVID Vaccination ---> ⁣

⁣⁣New York legislation could make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory ---> ⁣


⁣Vaccinated Vs. Unvaccinated: The Study The CDC Refused To Do — Interview with Dr. Weiler ---> ⁣

⁣Or, as Isaac Asimov put it, “Science is uncertain. Theories are subject to revision; observations are open to a variety of interpretations, and scientists quarrel amongst themselves.”

Yet now we’re being force fed a narrative that science is absolute and 100% certain… and that, above all else, we must listen to the scientists.

Or, more precisely, we must listen to the scientists they want us to listen to. …
We must listen to the scientists who tell us that biology no longer determines sex.

And we absolutely must listen to the scientists who tell us to cower in fear in our homes because of a virus.

We must listen to the scientists at the WHO that told us in late March to NOT wear masks, and then, oops, just kidding, please do wear masks.

We must listen to the scientists who tell us that we need to keep our masks on, and then take their own masks off as soon as they’re no longer on camera.

We must listen to the scientists who tell us to cancel everything and not spend time with friends and family, who then themselves hop on a plane to visit their own friends and family.

We must listen to the scientists who agree that cannabis dispensaries, acupuncture clinics, and casinos are “essential businesses”, but masked worshippers six feet apart in churches and synagogues must be forced to stay home under threat of imprisonment. …

We must listen to the scientists who tell us that standing on wet sand is safe, but standing on dry sand will spread the Coronavirus.

We must listen to the scientists who tell us we need to do whatever it takes to prevent a single Covid death… but that deaths due to suicide, heart attack, and stroke are perfectly fine, and so are domestic violence, drug addiction, and depression.

And we must listen to the scientists who tell us that an unproven vaccine devoid of any long-term study is completely safe and effective.

Yes. Those are the scientists we must listen to.

But we absolutely must NOT listen to any scientists who voice concerns about Covid vaccines.

We must not listen to scientists whose peer-reviewed research shows that Covid might not be as bad or as deadly as the media continues to portray.

We must not listen to scientists, including a Fulbright scholar / MIT PhD in data science, whose research shows bizarre, highly suspicious statistical anomalies regarding the 2020 election.

No. We definitely must NOT listen to those scientists.

And thank goodness that Big Media and Big Tech make it so easy for us to not listen to those scientists
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