CATTLE PRODS READY - Vaccination by microdevices on a Nasal Swab! - NWO Rising!
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4 years ago
Original "HighImpactTV" ---> ⁣

⁣Brain Damage From Masks CANNOT BE REVERSED ---> ⁣

So doctor are telling us to use masks as talismans.. science is the religion of the NWO! ⁣We are witnessing the advance of the 4th Reich and when you question the madness most people say "I'm just following orders" ... sound familar.

⁣"Swarms of injectable robots" - Nature Mag --->


⁣Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, Johns Hopkins researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that can latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.

⁣. Microneedle vaccine does not fully dissolve-tips remain
• Microneedle vaccine delivers quantum dots that glow under IR
• Microneedle delivers semiconductors, dyes, active agents such as
DNA modifiers, and other metallic components like silver
• Microneedle vaccine creates a biometric identification
through patterns, spacing, and fluorescent wavelengths
• Microneedle vaccine uploads to Cloud to validate medical records
• Microneedle vaccine will serve as a mark for buying and selling
through patent application ending in 060606
• Bill Gates and ID2020 and House Bill 6666 all promote this agenda
Mark 10:27:
What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is
whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs


What is COVID-19 ... it's payment for debt owned ... the governments of the world have kicked the can to the end of the road and now the Global Big Bank Cabal has come to "repo" the world!

1. Basically the financial sector has hit max and has blown, happened september 2019. Covid19 was/is being used to cover this up. Corporations of the world and their owners have decided that consumerism has served its purpose, and that now the technology is in place to install an orwellian structured world society.

2: Particularly it was in the repurchase agreement or Repo market. Much of the trillions in printed money that had to be repaid by the citizens was invested in this. If the Covid crisis never happened the world will face an economic collapse regardless. But unlike the Subprime Mortgage crisis, no common citizens can be blamed for taking loans and credit they couldn't handle. This bubble is entirely fueled by those in the highest levels of government, finance,and banking.

⁣And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesian 5:11

Check this out--->

Supplements for Covid treatment --->

Dr Carrie Madej has set up a website exposing this whole Plan-demic ... focusing on the "Fake Science" concerning the "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for people under 50 years old. The dangers of vaccines are well documented and many doctors believe vaccines are unnecessary with no benefit therefore this rushed "warp speed" experminal mRNA vaccine executed under Medical Martial Law should be avoided until "real" scientists and doctors have a chance to speak. The whole world is being deceived by a Luciferian agenda to advance the NWO Antichrist Kingdom and all government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are guilty of willingly participating in crimes against humanity! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha! - Rogersing

The ABCs of Salvation explained -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)

Prophecy updates from JD Farag --->
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