Prof Sucharit Bhakdi describes some of the Horrific Vaccine Damage found by Autopsies
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3 years ago
Prof. Bhadki is retired Head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Johanes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany and describes in detail some of the science behind this pandemic.
Including horrific autopsy results ( from Pathologist Prof Arne ) are caused by the injection for SARS-CoV2/COVID19 as found by autopsy at the families' insistance showed the spike protein from the injection had caused an immune reaction in their organs such as their heart, lungs etc causing their deaths. Proving beyond doubt they were injection/vaccine caused these deaths, four had only one injection and it took weeks or months for the immune reaction to cause the persons death. None of these deaths had been reported as related to the injection/vaccine/clinical trials. This is a significant finding in December 2021 and means all deaths should be autopsied to check are their organs being damaged following injection/vaccination and causing death, as was found in this study in Germany of people dying in their 20s to 90s.

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