Beware of this Huge DECEPTION - Satan masquerades as an Angel of the NWO Light!
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4 years ago
Original "⁣(R$E)" ----> ⁣

⁣Elizabeth April (The Beautiful Beings of Light) ---> ⁣

Satan plays good cop/bad cop in nations through the Cabal of the Zionist Rothschild Bankers who control all the leaders of the nations and directs them for their pleasure and purpose. People end up choosing their favorite Bank Sock Puppet in these political battles thinking they are fighting for freedom in this world but for the most part the fight in vain ... it's a decption of destruction to make the Zionist Cabal richer while the people are distracted, contolled and die in vain.

The Zionist Cabal (and other Cabals like Russia and China) own the money and they rule the nations but they don't realy rule, they just do the bidding of Satan which keeps people slaves to debt and addicted to weath. I think at this point in time that Satan knows the time is here for the Tribulation to being and he has put the screws down on the Rothschild bankers, Russia and China and they have put the screws down on all the Bank Sock Puppets leaders of the world to set up the NWO Kingdom ... in ZION - Israel. There is a "fear" and "urgency" in the leaders of the world, driving them to EXECUTE their role in this scam-demonic OR ELSE!

I think these Puppet leaders are vying for a posotion of POWER and control in the NWO Kingdom and the more people they can deceive, LOCKDOWN, MASK UP and CONTROL they greater their Power in the NWO. They probably get extra Satan points for being the first the VAXX the people and for settin up AI survillence and a COVID-PASS Bio-ID system of control.

The point is that ALL of these leaders are guilty of committing crimes against humanty for paricipatig in this hoax, this include Trump and Biden. They are all competing for some NWO piece of the pie and "we the people" are the pie! The New Age believers are AWAKE to the fact that the leaders are up to no good but they are NOT awake to the fact that a man cannot save them from the judgement that is coming, even if he promises good things or holds a Bible in his hand (like Trump or Obummer).

I realize this video will offend a lot of New Age believers here on BNT. This is not really my intention but none the less that is what the TRUTH does, it offends. Jesus is the TRUTH and the name of Jesus offends those who stand upon their own goodness. The TRUTH will set you FREE but it will piss you off first! Are you trusting in yourself? Your "good" heart and intentions?

⁣“The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? - Jeremiah 17:9

⁣Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths. - Proverbs 3:5-6

FYI, I wasn't always a born again Christian, until the age of 39 I was a New Age believer! And in 1974, I wrote a book report on "Chariots of the Gods" for a college paper. I understand all about the "Spiritual" awakening concepts ... I've read plenty of Science Fiction books and watched plenty of these movies, My favorite Science fiction book is "Stanger in a Strange Land".

I understand if you thumbs down this video or unsubscribe or block me ... I am not talking about RELIGION, I am talking about a personal RELATIONSHIP with Jesus who created you and has an awesome New Heaven and New Earth for those who believe in Him. There are "aliens" from another dimension but the ones who will be showing up are "Fallen Angel", deceiving people with a false hope of eternal life by worshipping and taking the Mark of the Beast! I welcome the comments from TRUTH seekers. - Rogersings

It is wonderful that doctors and scientist are speaking up to reveal these crimes that are being committed against humanity in the name of FAKE SCIENCE. However, from my understanding of Bible scripture and prophecy, this is NOT a fight that mankind can win in their own strength or by joinging together or by trusting someone who says he can deliver people from this Tyranny!

The one who comes in saying he will save us from the tryanny is the "Anti-christ" NOT Jesus Christ.

New Age believers are AWAKE to the evil agenda of this WARP SPEED EXECUTE of humanity by a VAXX that will act as a bio-ID for the NWO. But New Age believers are deceived to think that by joinging together they can overcome this BEAST Government or that someone will arise who leads them to victory. The person who comes in his own name who says he can deliver people from this madness is the "Antichrist" who confirms a Covenant with Israel to build the Temple and begins the 7 year Tribulation (Rev 6:2).

The TRUE light is Jesus Christ. He is the TRUE One who delivers people from the Darkness of this worl. Jesus has already come and died on the cross for our sin ... put your trust in Him!

⁣Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” - John 8:12

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them - Ephesian 5:11

The ABCs of Salvation explained -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)
Prophecy updates from JD Farag --->

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.- 2 Timothy 1:7

JOY! - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!
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