Humanity they are pushing life and nature to the limit
3 years ago
⁣A small cartoon about our humanity they are pushing life and nature to the limit
Humanity is in a very bad state, they have pushed us to the limit and we’ve lost the sense for things. We don’t know who we are, why we are here or where we are going. We cannot feel the earth as the living being that it is and all the living creatures as our fellow dwellers. We are lost.
But I can feel how we are waking up to this realisation and there are many people now searching for the way back to how it should be. I believe we can and will erase the ugliness, the selfishness, the short sightedness and the evil. The world will be once again what God created; the garden of Eden.
I know it’s possible, we just need to look inside and connect with that part of us that never dies, then we will find our way. The most important step for us to achieve this is to believe it is possible.
I believe together everything is possible. Dare to believe, don’t let them drown you in fear and pain and grief. Fight them by daring to believe in the future we deserve.
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