New Nuremberg Trial to take place on 01-09-2021 on the Isle of Man.
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3 years ago
⁣Served this day 1st June 2021 on John Quinn doing business as attorney general. Richard Gozney doing business as lieutenant governor (and replacement) and Stuart Quayle doing business as chief registrar
No Virus
No government anywhere has purified an isolated characterised unique ‘virus’ called ‘SARS-CoV-2’ with the Isle of Man government department of health and social care confirming ‘no virus’ on 18th February 2021 in reply to steven-william: gardner in freedom of information request reference number 1646813
Any claimed ‘virus’ is factually a computer generated ‘in silica’ model never found anywhere in men nor women as evidenced by Dr Stefan Lanka’s seven viral disproof’s video and 14 page evidence document
No Test
With no ‘covid’ virus the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) ‘test’ is science fraud of arbitrary and recently reduced amplification cycles of ‘debris’ derived from live foetal calf serum grown on monkey kidney cells
No Contagion
The Contagion Myth book by Dr Thomas Cowan provides proper evidence for all willing to question prior presumptions and deal with identity shredding cognitive dissonance in welcoming open rational debates
Claimed ‘covid’ deaths are co-morbidity driven with local hotspots of bodily outfections evidenced by the November 2019 Wuhan electromagnetic turn on, localised biofuel contaminants, also withdrawal of care, media fuelled suicides and substitution deaths but no overall mortality increase in official death statistics
No Jurisdiction
Natural law / Universal law also known as Creator law applies without fear nor favour nor finance to protect unlienable freedoms from birth as no man nor woman can ever be a slave via the ‘birth’ certificate
Traditional ‘courts’ fail to provide justice being as they are places of impure commerce enacted by private members of the BAR society wherein their ‘papers are actually the court’. Such administrative hearings and spellings only try fictitious ‘legal persons’. Only a paper ‘man’ or ‘woman’ is ever tried - via activities of hidden oath legalers whose commercial interests are unaligned to the people. The language of our trial is oxford english not necro-mancy legalese in which the people would require clean hands interpretation
This claim is vexatious not frivolous as the outcomes sought matter hugely to prevent further genocidal wrongs done to all people everywhere while remedy and cure will follow true justice to serve all people
Trespass upon a man or woman is a wrong under legalese worded acts conventions statutes codes and ‘rules’ of private corporations doing business upon persons such as courts, police and ‘governments’ as these bodies corporate have no verifiable claim employed as they are only via deception and misdirection
People never achieve justice while the queen knights favoured paedophiles Jimmy Saville and Cyril Smith - supported in secret meetings of her privy council wilfully hidden by a deeply complicit state media
Sunday 1st August 2021 is an open invitation in truth and transparency to Douglas Isle of Man for ‘Covid Vaccines Exposed’ a debate on all issues around the toxic ‘covid’ jab and the ongoing medical experiment
Assembling at 11am on Wednesday 1st September 2021 at Douglas court house Isle of Man we shall commence at 11.11am under a court of common law a New Nuremberg Trial for wrongs against people with deceptive mass ongoing ‘covid’ experiments citing article 1 of The Nuremberg Code namely:
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential
We the people will provide a jury of twelve men and women standing in honour to see true justice prevail
The below four named were each cited in 3,000 leaflets compiled 6th February 2021 and distributed since to people on the Isle of Man and beyond - confirming those having done very serious wrong are primarily
1) Robert ‘Howard’ Quayle doing business as Isle of Man chief minister
2) David John Ashford doing business as Isle of Man health minister
3) Alexander John Allinson GMC number 3483839 doing business as Isle of Man education minister
4) Henrietta Ewart GMC number 2856492 doing business as Isle of Man director of public health
The above four individuals have done wilfully harmful wrongs on an outrageous scale by conducting unlicensed unapproved medical experiments due to end between December 2022 - - January 2023 on their factually misdirected people using false science threat assault and battery under draconian forces of law
Harms perpetrated by the above named include unethical ‘lience’ via medical rape by mask swab and jab
Such treason breaches fundamental freedoms to body integrity in existence for eternity without pleading
With no virus in true fact the 20 claimed Abbotswood ‘covid’ deaths need solid investigation especially as no replies were made to my six questions in FoI reference 1749605 - truly a curre
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