Fed And State Govt Democide - Roy Potter - NWO Rising!
4 years ago
Original "⁣roypotterqa" ---> ⁣https://youtu.be/3AUz8lca9f0

Big Brother .. helping to enslave us! The government is your enemy at this point! Trump pretended like he is standing against us but he is the Deceiver in Chief, advancing the NWO at "warp speed"! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

⁣WHAT YOU ARE WATCHING NOW UNFOLDING IN REAL TIME IS NOTHING LESS THAN THE ATTEMPTED CONTROL AND ENSLAVEMENT OF THE ENTIRE GLOBAL POPULATION ---> ⁣https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/real-time-attempt-by-global-elites-new-world-order-enslaving-you-in-matrix/

NTEB is quick to point out the evil agenda of the left (which are numerous) but I have yet to see him point out the evil of Trump, the Deceiver in Chief, who has participated in this scam-demonic ritual from the beginning! Trump has allowed Fauci to plague America with Fake Science while he could have stopped this hoax by putting any number of real qualified doctors in charge who understand this is a new flu like sickness that is best prevented by strengthening your immune system by taking vitamins and living life as God intended - NO MASKS, NO SOCIAL DISTANCING, NO TESTING, NO TRACING, NO NWO CONTROL!

Scientist and Doctors speaking out against these crimes being done to humanity (https://www.stopworldcontrol.com/full/)!

Trump early on gave a wink and nod to HCQ for treatment but then changes his tune, promoting a Big Pharma experimental IV drug and Remdesivir for treatment of the "lie-rus". Trump is responsible for a "warped speed" plan to derive an unneeded and probably dangerous vaccine for the "lie-rus" and he has readied the Military to execute it, putting us under the tyranny of Medical Marital Law, where we will have to prove we have a Certificate of Vaccine ID - COVID - to be allowed to participate in society! The Constitution is being trampled upon while the Trump supporters allow the Fourth Reich to advance!

As this article correctly states, this is not about a virus which is a new strain of flu but about advancing a Technocratic Global NWO Reset with "Trust the Science" as their NWO religion. Trump and his loyal Q followers have said nothing to expose this fake science and stop this madness! The "Q" in Qanon stands for "Be Quiet". This is what this movement has done, it has quieted the gospel of Jesus Christ and it has quieted the protest against the Tyranny of the government. It is promoting a NAR Dominionist Antichrist theology to take over the world for Jesus Christ which is completely contrary to the very words of Jesus Christ! (John 18:36)! WAKE UP PEOPLE! If you choose the red pill you are giving your consent to be hung by a new Narriastic rope (Trump) and if you choose the blue pill you are giving your consent to be hung by an old Sleepy one (Biden). If we were to really drain the swap of this earth, only Jesus would remain. I choose Jesus - Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha!

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11
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