⁣Why has ivermectin been banned in Australia? (Full ⁣final promo)
3 years ago
⁣⁣⁣We are the voice : ⁣https://wearethevoice.com.au⁣ A treatment that's safer than paracetamol*
Australian scientists discovered it killed SARS-COV-2 stone cold in 48 hours.
It has an unparalleled safety profile with 3.7 billion doses administered in humans over 35 years and it's won a Nobel Prize for treating infections.
It’s called ivermectin. The problem?
It’s banned for use in the treatment and prevention of COVID-19

If we, the people of Australia, can understand the significance of ivermectin in the context of our current political climate; in removing the State of Emergency and reopening our country for good, then getting behind this petition can and will create the immediate and lasting change we so desperately need.
To make this the BIGGEST PETITION COUNT EVER via the https://wearethevoice.com.au site by the 27 Oct 11:59pm
Please share this message and join your voice to 'we are the voice Au'. A platform purposing to create real and lasting change, through enabling each Australian to use the power of their voice.

⁣Why has ivermectin been banned in Australia? (Full ⁣final promo)
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