Life Coaching With Open1
3 years ago
⁣Hello open1 family.

One new feature, method, of being of service that I can’t wait to offer to you guys is Life coaching.
I am passionate about helping people who are helping themselves, almost gone are the days where I waste time trying to help those who are not already on the journey of awakening.

If you are new to this whole being awake thing, or even if you are a seasoned veteran, awake longer than I have been alive perhaps, or most likely somewhere in-between. Perhaps you will find benefit having me working with you in your life.

I can’t wait to find those who I can connect with in a fun way to help achieve their goals.

I want to find those amongst this following I have on social media who are actually go getters that want to shape this world into a better place than when they found it. 

I myself just recently received life coaching sessions for the first time and I am already reaping the benefits and I can see how this modality can be of great service to people.

How would you feel having someone in your life who truly cares about you, and only wants to see you grow into the best person you can be, there by your side as a consistent pillar of morale support/strength.

It was 10 years ago I first set my eyes on helping humanity waking up, not long after I first woke up myself. I was quickly grateful for people taking the time to share information online that I had to turn around and do the same.

So much has changed in my life since then. I won’t go into my life journey in this video, this video is more about you, the community and more specifically those amongst you who are seeking a bit of guidance in their lives.

If you are interested in having me in your life as a life coach, we can have a free zoom initial chemistry call to see if we vibe together and if it’s going to work together after that. 

I also have a new free E-Book available to download via the website.

Much love open1 family.

Get in touch with Travis from Open1:
Instagram: @open1uk
Telegram: @TheGlobalAwakening


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