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Posted on 6th November 2021 by The Bernician
Following several months of dealing with circumstances beyond our control, the People’s Union of Britain [PUB] will next week finally be in a position to lay the papers at a Magistrates Court, in our Private Criminal Prosecution of the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 and their accomplices for the Midazolam Murders.
In the face of the increased level of tyranny threatened by BoJo’s rogue government, on the orders of the Rothschild-controlled City of London, at the spectacularly fraudulent COP26, PUB will spit back, with fire-breathing indignation, the case that will put an end to such criminal governance on these ancient shores.
Source: https://www.thebernician.net/midazolam-murders-papers-set-to-be-laid-in-magistrates-court/?fbclid=IwAR2yQNulC4o26a2aySQiXUoo5wqAfPxWQJ8Rne58qPd9wmDwk2flLhPvsaM
It's really is brilliant having comments on again 😊
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For those who have asked how to "donate" I have now set up "buy me a coffee" (Cappuccino actually 😍)
If you would like to Buy me a cappuccino ~ You can do so by clicking on the link 👇
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I know times are hard for so many right now & I assure you, ALL donations are very much appreciated 🙏 & enable me to dedicate the time necessary to continue upload videos daily & share Truth's with you all.
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Angel Realm is now on Telegram 😍 Please join me there for exclusive content & extra updates... Just click on the invite link👇
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Yellow card scheme MHRA
Vaers website ~
Yellow card scheme MHRA Vaers = Only 1 ~ 10% of accurate figures
However, for a more accurate idea as to the numbers of adverse reactions & death's following rhe jab, please see
Following several months of dealing with circumstances beyond our control, the People’s Union of Britain [PUB] will next week finally be in a position to lay the papers at a Magistrates Court, in our Private Criminal Prosecution of the Four Horsemen of COVID-1984 and their accomplices for the Midazolam Murders.
In the face of the increased level of tyranny threatened by BoJo’s rogue government, on the orders of the Rothschild-controlled City of London, at the spectacularly fraudulent COP26, PUB will spit back, with fire-breathing indignation, the case that will put an end to such criminal governance on these ancient shores.
Source: https://www.thebernician.net/midazolam-murders-papers-set-to-be-laid-in-magistrates-court/?fbclid=IwAR2yQNulC4o26a2aySQiXUoo5wqAfPxWQJ8Rne58qPd9wmDwk2flLhPvsaM
It's really is brilliant having comments on again 😊
All comments on ALL channels are now "Held for review"
This is in order to combat spammers!
It is NOT BNT that review comments!!
It is the responsibility of each channel owner to approve comments.
It is not always possible to approve comments immediately & So Thank you for your patience!🙏
For those who have asked how to "donate" I have now set up "buy me a coffee" (Cappuccino actually 😍)
If you would like to Buy me a cappuccino ~ You can do so by clicking on the link 👇
Or alternatively via Paypal
I know times are hard for so many right now & I assure you, ALL donations are very much appreciated 🙏 & enable me to dedicate the time necessary to continue upload videos daily & share Truth's with you all.
Thank you!
Angel Realm is now on Telegram 😍 Please join me there for exclusive content & extra updates... Just click on the invite link👇
Comments are open on Telegram!!😛
Yellow card scheme MHRA
Vaers website ~
Yellow card scheme MHRA Vaers = Only 1 ~ 10% of accurate figures
However, for a more accurate idea as to the numbers of adverse reactions & death's following rhe jab, please see