2 years ago


[24/01/2022 10:39]
I’m not wasting anymore time on this. I’m now taking the decision to stop all communication with everyone and I will carry on under the radar.
I never expected so much doubt and ridicule about a crime reference number and criminal investigation taking place. 500 messages a day asking the same questions about the investigation is ridiculous.
It’s exhausting, some of you should be ashamed of yourselves for the lack of support and togetherness.
Instead you are out there spreading misinformation and gossip like 5 year olds in the school playground.
How many times does it need to be explained?
Victims report a crime = if a crime is identified in law = crime number is issued = investigation by the police. This has been posted on my FB page and on a trusted Telegram group, the crime recording standards and rules also posted to show exactly what processes should be followed. But this is all ignored in place of unverified gossip. I did this thousands of times myself when working as a Constable and it was my duty to investigate and detect crimes for the victims.
The process hasn’t changed just because Philip Hyland a lawyer, Lois Bayliss a lawyer, Sam White a medical doctor or Mark Sexton a retired Constable made the allegations. It’s the same process regardless of who the victims are or who the offenders are.
How the police decide to investigate is on them. Their duty is to the victims and all police forces are victim led.
Updates and outcomes are made to the informants and or victims by the police as is policy.
If the police have been ordered by other police not to investigate crime especially these serious crimes then they are perverting the course of justice and will be held to account for their decision making.
It’s like saying a mechanic cannot fix cars, a teacher cannot teach or a doctor cannot treat a patient.
Police investigate crime, that’s their paid public duty and role in society.
The BBC are a propaganda and terrorist organisation deliberately trying to discredit decent, honest and law abiding people who are trying to save lives and protect people from harm.
But let’s listen to them, let’s ignore the people trying to get justice, accountability and remedy. The failings of the police are not my failings, the lack of investigation is not because of me, the lack of transparency is not because of me, the fake news and gossip is not coming from me.
Further evidence is still being submitted and a large bundle was submitted by a lawyer at 3pm to Hammersmith CID on Friday the 21st of January.
At no point did the police say... ”stop submitting evidence the case is closed”.
Regular updates are made and disseminated by me but for some very strange and bizarre reason they are ignored in favour of doubt and ridicule.....why?
It is physically impossible for me to continue the way I have been, I will not be replying to any doubting messages from anyone either on FB, Telegram, Messenger, WhatsApp, Signal or email, so please don’t ask because there will be no response and you will be deleted.
You are all adults, do what you feel is right for you and yours, I will keep going and continue to fight and do the right thing but I will not be answering 500 of the same questions anymore.
I’m not fighting a corrupt government, I’m not fighting the police, I’m not fighting news outlets. The biggest fight is against the people who constantly doubt, deny, need constant reassuring and
Ignore the information and updates from the original source.
Good luck, take care, keep fighting and keep moving forward because I certainly will be, but I will not be wasting anymore of my time responding to nonsense.
Doing this 18-20 hours a day, 7 days a week is hard work, it’s a lot harder with the many obstacles some of you put in the way.
God bless

Mark Steele ~ ⁣Director’s Of Public Health Criminal Investigation Notification Vaccine Danger Warning
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