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Now is the time to join CHD for ‘Worldwide Walkout!’ to demand a return to freedom & democratic principles. 👇
People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach.
Courage is contagious so be willing to step up as a leader in your community. Encourage everyone you know to walkout and stand in solidarity against mandates. Tell them to refuse to show up for work, take a sick day and pull their kids from school. The only way we win is united.
Freedom transcends party lines and unites us all as one human race. We must ban together with concerned citizens from all walks of life with one goal in mind, to preserve freedom and the right to choose what goes on and in our bodies.
Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach.
Sorry folk's, due to spammers, comments have been temporarily disabled....But hopefully that's soon going to change!!!🤞👇
For those asking how to "donate" I have now set up "buy me a coffee" (Cappuccino actually 😍)
If you would like to Buy me a cappuccino ~ You can do so by clicking on the link 👇
Or alternatively via Paypal
I know times are hard for so many right now & I assure you, ALL donations are very much appreciated 🙏 & enable me to dedicate the time necessary to continue upload videos daily & share Truth's with you all.
Thank you!
Angel Realm is now on Telegram 😍 Please join me there for exclusive content & extra updates... Just click on the invite link👇
Comments are open on Telegram!!😛
Yellow card scheme MHRA
Vaers website ~
Yellow card scheme MHRA Vaers = Only 1 ~ 10% of accurate figures
However, for a more accurate idea as to the numbers of adverse reactions & death's following rhe jab, please see
People around the globe are protesting the loss of liberty, illegal mandates and tyrannical government overreach.
Courage is contagious so be willing to step up as a leader in your community. Encourage everyone you know to walkout and stand in solidarity against mandates. Tell them to refuse to show up for work, take a sick day and pull their kids from school. The only way we win is united.
Freedom transcends party lines and unites us all as one human race. We must ban together with concerned citizens from all walks of life with one goal in mind, to preserve freedom and the right to choose what goes on and in our bodies.
Never has there been a more important time to fight back and protect our rights to stop this tyranny and government overreach.
Sorry folk's, due to spammers, comments have been temporarily disabled....But hopefully that's soon going to change!!!🤞👇
For those asking how to "donate" I have now set up "buy me a coffee" (Cappuccino actually 😍)
If you would like to Buy me a cappuccino ~ You can do so by clicking on the link 👇
Or alternatively via Paypal
I know times are hard for so many right now & I assure you, ALL donations are very much appreciated 🙏 & enable me to dedicate the time necessary to continue upload videos daily & share Truth's with you all.
Thank you!
Angel Realm is now on Telegram 😍 Please join me there for exclusive content & extra updates... Just click on the invite link👇
Comments are open on Telegram!!😛
Yellow card scheme MHRA
Vaers website ~
Yellow card scheme MHRA Vaers = Only 1 ~ 10% of accurate figures
However, for a more accurate idea as to the numbers of adverse reactions & death's following rhe jab, please see