The Great Reset is not a Conspiracy Theory - it-s a Recipe for Tyranny - NWO Rising!
4 years ago
⁣Original "⁣aminutetomidnite" ---> ⁣

Even the Main Scream Media has to admit that the NWO Great Reset is true ... but they insist that these facts that prove the scam-demic was a planned hoax to usher in the NWO should be ignored. Trust the plan, Trust the Science! ... just shut up, line up and be culled, controlled and killed like cattle.

⁣The Great Reset: Wild new coronavirus conspiracy theory takes hold ---> ⁣

A Minute to Midnight website ---> ⁣⁣

The Great Reset has been called just a Conspiracy theory" by some. But the billionaire elite class and major institutions have been pushing this agenda openly.

⁣The techno-craps are here to help (control you) ... don't forget to thank the masters who know what is best for you ... mask up, shut up and ⁣sieg heil to Klaus Schwab and the Fourth Reich, the Global Reset NWO!

⁣Why isn't Trump doing anything to expose this evil or STOP this scam-demonic ... because Trump is the Deceiver in Chief ... WAKE UP PEOPLE. All government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are Ban Sock Puppets of the NWO, they are crashing the economy and putting up measures of Tyranny control for a New World Normal.

⁣Trump's general said the vaccines would be distributed in 24 hours but ... instead of 24 hours ... how about in reverse, the executions will occur over "42" months! The first 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist NWO Kingdom!

⁣The NWO is a Deception ---> ⁣

I just found this video ... this guy gives an excellent analysis of what is going on ... "Deception!". Trump is a distraction to the Church, he is the Deceiver in Chief, taking away the focus of the Church from Jesus and preaching the gospel to make Kingdom Citizens of Heaven to a false Dominionist Theology, a crusade to conquer this earth to make this place a man-made utopia, rebuilding the tower of Babel. This is similar to the way the Jews were in bondage to Rome when Jesus began his ministry and the Jews wanted Him to set up His Kingdom at that time.

Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.” -John 18:36

The "Q" movement is the right hand wing (Zionist - Jesuits) of the Occult Phoenix bird and Liberalism (Communism - China) is the left hand wing, while the beak is the Narriastic Technocrats pushing the Great Reset. And as you point out those in the Q movement aren't just misdirected and deceived Christians but a large percentage believe in New Age Spirituality and they are pushing a Great Awakening of trans-humanism, an eternal life like an alien being (a fallen Angel) where man becomes god by his own means (this is the lie of Satan from the beginning - Genesis 3:4)!

It's not a pandemic but a plan-demic a "plan-demonic" and the Main Scream Media is setting the stage for the arrival of a saving figure, the Antichrist to rule over the Global Reset NWO. I think this Global "lie-rus" hoax is the final push for the delivery of the man-child, the Rapture of the Church (Rev 12:5).

From my understanding of scripture, there is a 7 year Tribulation and the picture of pre-Tribulation Rapture of the "born again" believers is Rev 4:1, prior to the seals. When the first seal is opened, the "Corona" crown is given to the Antichrist on the white horse to conquer. This weapon is a "bow", a false promise of peace and safety through "Science" by testing, tracing and vaccination ... basically controlling people's life through technology under Medical Tyranny! The NWO Antichrist Kingdom rules for the first 3 1/2 years under the religion of "Trust the Science" of AI Technology. At the mid-way point, Satan is cast down to earth, enters the Antichrist? then commits the Abomination of Desolation and demands to be worshiped and demands that everyone to take his mark. The last 3 1/2 years is the "Beast" Kingdom.

It is hard to wake people up to this deception, including Christians, because they "Trust the Science" of Big Pharma and Big Brother. However, the science of this virus is contrived and mostly false and the dangers of vaccines are real. There are plenty of scientists and doctors who are sounding the alarm of this scam-demic but their voices are silenced. They have put together a website "", click on the "full report" videos which are the testimonies of the doctors. The other "critical" videos are Q anon psyops which do expose evil of the Pedophiles, Federal Reserve, CIA, Big Tech, MSM, Rothschild, Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati and Satanic cults but they give false hope that Trump is the savior of the world. The Q followers fail to recognize the signs of the end times and acknowledge that the Church does not conquer Satan, nor is it the role of the Church to establish Christ's Kingdom on earth according to true Bible prophecy ... they fail to realize Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and he will only be conquered when Christ returns with His Saints after the 7 year Tribulation (Rev 19:11)!

And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesians 5:11

I realize I went on a bit of a rant here. Blessings to you. Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha!

⁣Mirrored from "⁣The Iceman" --> ⁣

Original Channel "Computing Forever" --> ⁣

⁣Is this leaked info really Trudeau’s crazy COVID plan for 2021? You decide ---> ⁣


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