French Professor Jean Bernard Fourtillan * UPDATE * out from DANGER for exposing COVID hoax!
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4 years ago
⁣⁣Original "⁣Žubori Potok" ---> ⁣

I don't speak French either ⁣===== SEE TRANSLATION BELOW =====

⁣GOOD NEWS! Professeur Fourtillon has been released from the psychiatric hospital in the last 24 hours (Dec 19, 2020). Two colleagues of his are speaking about his release here ---> ⁣

Here is more info in English ---> ⁣

Reported in English on BNT (Dec 16) ---> ⁣

⁣Reported in English on BNT (Dec 17) --->



⁣Accomplished pharma prof thrown in psych hospital after questioning official COVID narrative (Dec 10) ---> ⁣


⁣French anti-mask doctor suspended for five months ---> ⁣

⁣December 11, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — Early on December 10, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, a French retired university professor known for his strong opposition to COVID-19 vaccines such as those presently being distributed in the U.K., was taken from his temporary home in the south of France by a team of “gendarmes” — French law enforcement officers under military command — and forcibly placed in solitary confinement at the psychiatric hospital of Uzès. His mobile phones were taken from him, and at the time of writing, he had not been allowed to communicate with the outside world. The order for his internment appears to have been issued by the local “préfet,” the official representative of the French executive.

The systematic use of psychiatric hospitals in order to silence or punish political opponents became widespread under communism, having started shortly after the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917. The method developed under Stalin and then expanded as opposition to the “socialist paradise” came to be considered a sign of mental illness. Under the 1966 penal code of the USSR, repression of dissidents openly targeted those who “spread false propaganda defaming the Soviet State and its social system.”

Fourtillan, a longtime critic of vaccines that use dangerous adjuvants such as aluminum (the 11 compulsory vaccines for newborns in France contain 17 times the maximum dose of aluminum defined as toxic by the World Health Organization), has been vocal during the COVID-19 crisis. He offers “alternative” explanations and warnings regarding the apparition of the SARS-COV-2 virus and the ARN vaccines that work by injecting pieces of virus message ARN with nanolipids with the aim of causing human cells to start fabricating viral particles and to thus trigger an immunological reaction.

============ Translation ==================

⁣ENGLISH: I met a researcher somewhere in France. he is a specialist in physicians and well-known patents.

FRENCH: Ja sam Jean-Bernard Fourtillian. Bio sam profesor kemijske terapeutike na Fakoltetu medicine i farmakologije u poitiersu i diplomirani sam inzenjer kemije.

----> I'm Jean-Bernard Fourtillian. I was a professor of chemical therapy at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacology in Poitiers and I have a degree in chemical engineering.

FRENCH: Godine 1970 odlucio sam osnovati biomediciniski istrazivackhi centar za fazu 1 ispitvanja lijekova

----> In 1970, I decided to establish a biomedical research center for phase 1 drug testing

FRENCH: U fazi 1kad se jedan lijek proucava na zivotinjama, prelazise na covjeka i tada se rade studije tolerancije nekoglijeka.

----> In phase 1, when a drug is studied in animals, it is passed on to humans, and then tolerance studies are performed on non-humans.

French: Recite nam, sto se dogdilo od mjeseca ozujka do sr pnja? Kada vam je postalo jasno da nesto nije kako treba?

----> Tell us, what happened from March to August? When did it become clear to you that something was wrong?

FRENCH: Uozujka, kad su pronasli prvi patent, trebalo mije 15 dana du shvatim sve ostalo.

----> In March, when they found the first patent, it took me 15 days to figure out everything else.

FRENCH: Uzeli su virus koji je odgovoran za epidemiju sars u Aziji sars-Cov koji nije usmrtio vise od 614 Ijudi i umetnulisu su sekvencu DNA malarije

----> They took the virus responsible for the sars epidemic in Asia, sars-Cov, which did not kill more than 614 people, and inserted a malaria DNA sequence

French: Unetnulisu su 157 fragmanata, segmenata DNA i proteina sto je dalo sars-Cov 1

---->157 fragments, DNA segments and proteins were seized, giving sars-Cov 1

French: od kojeg datuma je taj patent?

----> from what date is that patent?

FRENCH:Bio je prijavljen 2003 kada prijavite patent 2003. Sa 157 umetnutih fragmenata, toje poseo koji traje majmanje 10 Godina. Poceli su 90-ih.

---->It was filed in 2003 when they applied for a patent in 2003. With 157 fragments inserted, it is a crop that lasts at least 10 years. They started in the 90s.

FRENCH: zatim su god. 2011. uzeli jedan patent i sa sare cov l presli na sars-cov 2, to je potpuno ista stvar. Evo patent. Nijebilo manipulacija, jer to je ista stvar. to je kontinvitet patenta iz 2003

---->then they are in yr 2011 they took one patent and switched from sars cov l to sars-cov 2, which is exactly the same thing. Here's a patent. There was no manipulation, because it's the same thing. that is the continuity of the 2003 patent.

FRENCH: Nakon nekoliko dana otkrili smo da je postojeo jedan patent na testovima za detekciju covid-19, 13. Listopada 2015. Dakle, poznavali su virus. Posnavali su bolest.

---->After a few days, we discovered that there was one patent on the covid-19 detection tests, October 13, 2015. So, they knew the virus. They conceived the disease.

French: Ovaj inzenjer, vlasnik vise patenata, nije jedini koji vjeruje da je korona virus nastao ljudskom manipulacijom.

----> This engineer, the owner of several patents, is not the only one who believes that the corona virus was created by human manipulation.

FRENCH: Virus nije opasan, malo je opasniji od prirodnog koron virusa, jer su njime manipulirali. No, opasna ce biti cjepiva koja ce doci.

----> The virus is not dangerous, it is a little more dangerous than the natural corona virus because it has been manipulated. But the vaccines that will come will be dangerous.

Tko ga je stvorio?

----> Who created it?

Sve je proizved eno u institutu Louis Pasteur.

----> Everything is produced at the Louis Pasteur institute.

FRENCH: Za profesora nema sumnje. Virus je izisao iz instituta Louis Pasteur prije nejo je poslan u laboratorij u wuhanu i drugdje. Krivac za covid 19 je pronaden.

----> For the professor there is no doubt. The virus came out of the Louis Pasteur Institute before it was sent to a laboratory in Wuhan and elsewhere. The culprit for covid 19 has been found.
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