No Vax = No Work - NWO Risings at Warp Speed !
4 years ago
Original "Headlines with a Voice" ----> ⁣

⁣This is what tyranny looks like. Enjoy being sterilized. BTW, ⁣The vaccine is completely voluntary, just if you don't take it ... you will starve. Remember Obummer's Health Care slogan ... if you like your head, you can keep it.

⁣The scam-demonic is controlled demolition (like 9/11) of the current world financial system to march us lockstep at WARP SPEED into the Global Reset NWO Antichrist Kingdom where you will only be able to buy and sell based on a Certificate of Vaccination - COVID! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!

⁣Q = Quite (Be quiet about the evil Trump is doing as he play along with this Global pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic ... scam-demonic, to march America lockstep into the NOT so great reset - NWO Antichrist Kingdom!)

WWG1WGA = World Wide Government 1 World Global Agenda (NWO Rising)

⁣"Trust the Plan" - "Trust the Science" - "Trust the Deceiver in Chief" ... Trump's not the one putting the poison in your body ... it's not mandatory ... he's just making it availble at WARP SPEED so others will "execute" us. Just like Pilate who had Jesus crucified, "Trump washes his hands" of any responsibility for the demise of the human race and the foolish people say ... "jab me first".

My Christian friends say, "you can't call out Trump for being part of this evil agenda ... he is annoined by God for this purpose ... Touch NOT my appointed". Well, I don't care have plans to touch anyone and I pray Trump's warped scheme doesn't cause me to be touched by soliders implementing his Medical Marial Law. But I am not going to be silent in the presence of evil.

⁣And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. - Ephesian 5:11

This isn't about left vs right, it is about saving humantiy from an injection that could cause a person to die or change their DNA. Yes, the Demon-rats cheated in the election and Biden in a Chinese Communist Bank Sock Puppet but Ttrump is a Zionist Bank Sock Puppet. The point is that "both" sides are working to implement the Global Reset agenda ... Trump deceives the right and Biden decieves the left ... while America is marched lockstep into the NOT so great Reset!

Don't put your trust in a man or in this "Fake Science" to cure the "lie-rus" but put your trust in Jesus. Expose this evil and call out those committing evil, pray for them that they will repent of this wickedness and be saved so they are not judged by God! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings

⁣'No Vaccine, No Work' - Employers Discuss Making COVID Immunity Mandatory For Workers ---> ⁣

⁣Public opinion polls from the past few weeks show a growing number of Americans are planning to get the Warp-Speed injection, even as Dr. Fauci hinted that the UK’s decision to grant emergency approval to Pfizer’s mRNA jab might have been somewhat rushed.

This vaccine is dangerous and it will be required to buy and sell, I don't think it is the Mark of the Beast but it is a pre-cursor ... the mark of the Antichrist NWO which will later become the Mark of the Beast. I think all vaccine are unnecessary and ruin your health but this COVID experimental vaccine with "unknown" ingredients and affects nees to be STOPPED and avoided.

The group of people who should be most awake to this hoax plan-demic and warning people not to take the vaccine are Christians ... who know God has made us fearfully and wonderfully and see it is a Great deception of end times prophecy.

⁣Christians Ready to Help COVID-19 Vaccine Go to Neediest First ---> ⁣

This is from ⁣Franklin Graham Nov 10 ---> ⁣

⁣Thank you President
Donald J. Trump
for cutting through the bureaucratic red tape and government regulations to enable Pfizer to develop a vaccine as quickly as they have! Researchers say that it has proved to be more than 90% effective. This is a huge development, and we thank God. Pfizer Chairman and CEO Dr. Albert Bourla said, “I believe this is likely the most significant medical advance in the last 100 years...” We are also grateful that President Trump has established Operation Warp Speed, working with the U.S. military to be prepared to deliver the vaccine quickly to the American people. This is an incredible undertaking. Please continue to pray for the doctors and medical experts who are working on vaccines and treatments—and pray for the many who are suffering or hospitalized with the virus today.
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