Dr. T - Vaccine Imparted Magnetism
3 years ago
A call to nurses, Doctors, EMT's (and all the awake&aware folks) to begin checking 'vaccine' recipients for magnetism using neodymium magnets. Help raise awareness as this is one undeniable way to expose the secret ingredients in these poison jabs and wake up the terminal sleepers. Neodymium's are cheap and you can get 20 small magnets for around $5. It should also be noted that not only are the vaxxed exhibiting this magnetism phenomenon but also unjabbed people too (myself being one) -as a result of contamination (most likely graphene oxide) in food, water and air. Supplementing with N-AcetylCysteine is the best way to start getting this garbage out of your system which is why the FDA in America is already making moves to have it pulled from shelves and turned into a 'by prescription only" drug.
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