Mikki Willis | The Plandemic and the Great Awakening | Mercola
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3 years ago
⁣Story at-a-glance Mikki Willis’ documentary “Plandemic” was released May 4, 2020, and has since been viewed over 1 billion times, despite being universally censored. “Plandemic Part 2: Indoctornation” has also been viewed more than 200 million times “Plandemic: Indoctornation” features David Martin, Ph.D., who has documented and tracked white collar crime for decades and invented technologies that help trace the flow of funding Martin helped educate Sens. Ron Paul and Ron Johnson when they started to go after Dr. Anthony Fauci to finally hold him accountable for his decades of crimes While many blame the encroaching tyranny on incompetence, the evidence suggests it’s not incompetence at all. It was planned this way Ultimately, the plan is to create a state of dependency, through which the technocratic elite can then control the human population. “Plandemic Part 3” will delve into this plan to show the history behind it and how it has led us to where we are right now. It will also review how we can rebuild society after it falls apart

⁣The 'Plandemic' and The Great Awakening- Interview with Mikki Willis
https://www.bitchute.com/video/IrKChMixIY5O/ - Oct 12, 2021 -
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⁣Mikki Willis | The Plandemic and the Great Awakening | Mercola

⁣⁣Mikki Willis, The Plandemic and the Great Awakening, Mercola, Oct 12, 2021
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