Gen Perna Proves Diabolic Plan- Trump-s Finger On The Trigger
Original "roypotterqa" --->
Previous video "Soul Crushing" --->
Follow up "Tiberius, Blitzkrieg, Power, Lake Of Fire" --->
For the details of how the Miltary is compromised check out "Kay Griggs Interview (1998)" --->
The people are now considered the enemy of the Government and Trump, the Deceiver in Chief, is coming to haveest your DNA at warp speed to establish the NWO Antichrist kingdom!
President Trump will not get rid of the emergency order because without it, he can't get emergency delivery of the vaccines. With the order, he can bypass protocol. Trump is the swamp.
Roy, the corporations don't care about us. Trump is the President of the Executive branch of the Corporation. Look into 1871. The Constitutional Republic has been usurped. Stop thinking they are government, they are corporations
Inside the Operation Warp Speed effort to get Americans a COVID-19 vaccine -->
Operation Warp Speed preps for COVID-19 vaccine delivery upon FDA approval -->'
Things that the Deceiver in Chief, Donald TheRump, didn't do like he promised.
"TROJAN TRUMP: I Would Have Voted for Trump if he had Done Anything to Bring Down the DTeep State" -->
Trust Stamp – Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History --->
Trust Stamp is a vaccination based digital identity program funded by Bill Gates and implemented by Mastercard and GAVI, that will soon link your biometric digital identity to your vaccination records. The program said to “evolve as you evolve” is part of the Global War on Cash and has the potential dual use for the purposes of surveillance and “predictive policing” based on your vaccination history. Those who may not wish to be vaccinated may be locked out of the system based on their trust score.
These crimes to take away your freedom are being committed right in your face and the jab will be executed under either Trump or Biden! All government leaders around the world are guilty of committing crimes against humanity related to this hoax "lie-rus" scam-demonic!
They have their logistics in place, and they have their forces in place to deny you your supplies and logistics (food, gas, money, etc). You don't surrender, and you don't eat.
It's time to get down on your knees and pray and decide where your red line in the sand is going to be,.
Only Jesus has overcome this world, believe in Him and you will be forgiven your sin, bon again and have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
Brief : HISTORY OF The Corporate takeover of the United States of America , During the Civil War , the Constitutional Republic abandoned Congress , causing President Lincoln to institute martial law . the de jure republic was taken over by foreign insurgents , who replaced it with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , INC. in 1871 . this corporation went bankrupt in 1912 because of Reconstruction Era bonds , and forfeit to the holders of those bonds ; the Europeans banking interest behind the FEDERAL RESERVE . Maritime salvage liens was placed on every asset of the now Federalized States, as a surety on the debts incurred by the bond holders . in 1933 US INC. went bankrupt again ; a gold seizure and income tax was imposed on the people to pay off the foreign bankers . none of this was done in full disclosure ( 42 CFR 1001.1101 ,, USC 12 sec 12 1831 n (a)(2)(A) CFR 12 741.6 (b) , and such , it is not binding. The people are in fact the creditors, and not the debtors ( this is why you have a birth certificate and SSN , for they are banknote, a negotiable instrument that makes you the collatorial thru contracts of privileges and benefits ) , Due to ignorance and inaction , people give tacit consent to pay back the fraudulent debt, and remaining under control of the foreign " government " voting (giving your consent) for a Congressman and President today means acquiescence to the illegitimate rule of a corporation, Organic Act 1871 , Federal Reserve act 1913 , us code 12 sec. 95 ( a, b ) , Emergency Banking act 1933 .
All government leaders (including Trump) are guilty of commenting crimes against humanity by participating in this hoax "lie-rus" pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic which is crashing the economies of the world and putting people in fear of their bodies and in fear of one another in order to establish the Technocratic Tyranny takeover of the world - a Global Reset - a NWO - a setup of the Antichrist Kingdom under the religion of AI and "Fake Science". The testing, tracing and vaccination at "warp speed" is a means to take away your freedom and make you property of the New Global Government so they can control if you are a "fit" Global Citizen and determine where you can go, what you can do, whether you can buy or sell based on your Certificate of Verification ID - COVID!
Don't misunderstand Biden is part of the NWO too, his role to destroy the government by the people and for the people is more obvious than Trumps. We should be holding ourselves morally accountable to God and holding our elected officials to do what is right and that is the point ... this "lie-rus" has a .98 survival rate for those 50 years and younger. There is no pandemic and there is no need for a vaccination program ... therefore we should be exposing this evil and stopping those committing crimes against humanity by perpetuating this evil agenda ... this includes Trump!
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; - Ephesians 5:11
Don't you see, Trump is a distraction to capture the hearts and minds of Christians and at this point in time Christians are fighting to take "his" vaccination mark (as opposed to Biden's) so they can rule with Trump on this earth, instead of exposing this evil that "all" government leaders are committing upon the world under this plan-demonic spell. Christian are being deceived by the Deceiver in Chief ... they are dancing with the devil ... they are focused on a "man" who they want to rule over them, instead of exposing this NWO evil and instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and anticipating His Rapture and Return! The NWO Church of What's Happening Now is being formed before our eyes ... RCC NAR Jews Islam "Chrislam" ... it is the "Whore Woman" who will ride the Beast Kingdom.
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." - John 18:36
Bible Prophecy Mark of the Beast of Revelation --->
Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other tech luminaries react to Biden’s victory --->
Bill Gates Funds Invisible Quantum Tattoo Hidden In Coronavirus Vaccine For Storing Vaccination History -->
Tokenized Identity and Zero Knowledge Proofs -->
Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System -->
Trust Stamp – Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History --->
Bill Gates warns anti-vaxxers could stop Covid-19 jab working if they refuse to have it as Oxford University's experimental jab will now be tested in Brazil because Britain's outbreak is slowing -->
The word 'unprecedented' has become a part of our everday vocabulary!
Yes the world as we know it has changed forever....and its never going back!
The transition to a new world....A NEW WORLD ORDER has begun!
🎤Pastor Tom Hughes and Jan Markell stated that the last two times an event of this magnitude affected the entire globe was during Noah’s flood and the tower of Babel!
😈Behind the 'plannedemic' coronavirus there is a MAN WITH A PLAN!
🎤As pastor J.D Farag you need a MASK to buy things....very soon it will be a MARK!
📖REVELATION 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great,...
When I connect all of the prophectic dots, it tells me this is setting the stage absolutely!!💯%....
💉🩺Doctor Carrie Madej studied DNA and vaccines for the past twenty years and made an urgent video in which she warns that there is a plan to inject humanity with very dangerous vaccines for Covid-19. The purpose of these new vaccines will be twofold:
1) reprogram our DNA and make us hybrids that are easier to control.
2) connect us to artificial intelligence through a digital vaccine ID, which will also open a whole new realm of control.
💉Article from
"The CRISPR technology works by coding for a specific gene sequence using guide RNA. When the appropriate DNA sequence is found, the Cas9 protein, working as a pair of scissors, cuts the DNA at the desired location. Once the cut has been made, the gene can be disabled, or missing genetic information can be inserted or replaced. The EU adopted a regulation introducing a temporary derogation to the GMO regulation for clinical trials on vaccines for COVID-19 utilizing gene editing technologies!"
Remote control biology
In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’.
This contact lens-like nanotechnology material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.📡
DARPA-developed hydrogel technology, in tandem with Profusa’s DARPA-funded light sensor technology, more than likely will deploy a coronavirus vaccine with the capacity to literally change our DNA!!
The gene-hacking injection is unlike any other. The new injection allows the gene-editing enzymes to stick to specific cell types by attaching different proteins onto the surface, which can't be done by the previous gene-hacking technologies.
The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp's digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard "Wellness Pass," a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard's click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData.
Masking ulterior motives...
Trust Stamp's biometric identity system, largely funded by Mastercard's massive investment in the company in February, utilizes a technology it calls Evergreen Hash that creates an AI-generated "3D mask" based on a single photo of a person's face, palm or fingerprint. Once this "mask" is created, much of the original data is discarded and encryption keys are created in place of a person's name or other more traditional identifiers!!
These headlines say it all!!!...
✔💉The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Intellectual Ventures are spending millions in creating a human implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccine mark with data storage that will work through an Enzyme Called Luciferase.
✔🚨DOD and HHS being Awarded a $138 Million contract to ApiJect systems to provide prefilled COVID-19 vaccine syringes with RFID microchip tracking system to be launched by OCTOBER 2020!
✔📲Thanks to COVID, Any Smartphone Can Now Be Tracked by Government Via Automatic Update!
✔🔌Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population! , we can so clearly see the beast system being set up!
✔💻The H.R. 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot to conduct activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes!
✔📳The GLOBAL ID2020 Covid-19 'IMMUNITY PASSPORT' set to launch by OCTOBER 2020 that combines digital identity with vaccinations,
blockchain and nanotechnogy , has announced that work is completed on first ever certification mark for 'Kiva protocal' implementing a global digital ID for buying and selling!
✔💳Mastercard joins blockchain digital identity alliance ID2020!
✔Microsoft who funds ID2020 files patent for the buying and selling of bitcoin cryptocurrency that works by a device attached to the human body that interacts with a computer network system. The publication number of this Microsoft patent is WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA!
The World's most secure Digital Health Passport, built on patented technology, awarded the 'Seal of Excellence' by the European Commission and being used by various United Nations Projects!!
✔Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Chip Will Soon Allow Users to Take Charge of Moods and Emotions!
✔Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad!
✔Amazon launches contactless biometric palm reading technology that scans your right hand that allow you to buy and sell at stores!
✔Amazon Rolls Out Hand Scanner, and It's Already Being Compared to Revelation's Mark of the Beast!
✔Tory MP urges mandatory Covid-19 vaccine & certificate for travel!
✔GLOBAL depopulation tag-team!:Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for"Digital certificates"of coronavirus immunity!
✔Your “Immunity Passport” Future Begins to Materialize as Airlines Call for Digital ID Tracking Systems!
✔Bill Gates: We Can Only Go Back to 'Normal' When the Population is 'Widely Vaccinated'!
✔GLOBAL depopulation tag-team!:Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for"Digital certificates"of coronavirus immunity!
✔Pope says coronavirus vaccine must be shared worldwide!
✔The WHO-backed program named “Covax” is led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the vaccine alliance Gavi!
✔UN stockpiling billion syringes for Covid-19 vaccine!
Microsoft has patented a system that uses human biometrics such as body heat and brain-wave activity to mine cryptocurrency. The patent, filed under international patent number WO-2020-060606 and titled ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’, leverages human body activity as proof-of-work. The patent then gives examples of sensors that can be used to this end – such as “fMRI scanners,
electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, Radio Frequency sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner.”
With this biometrics-based cryptocurrency mining patent and other human microchipping projects under his belt, namely the Birth Control microchip implant and theimplantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules being developed by MIT and ID2020 which is part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it is so clearly evident Bill Gates is the most prolific cybernetic-biohacker on the planet.
The real technology, with a sensor specifically made for detecting and keeping track of human biometrics, is a microchip implant being developed by a Danish Microsoft partner called BEZH International. After all, a microchip implant is the best sensor for bioemetrics as it is literally inside the body!
BEZH’s microchip implant is not only capable of storing and transmitting biometrics – including medical and genetic data, but it also compliments the entire cryptocurrency mining aspect of Microsoft’s patent as it comes with its own cryptocurrency, which for several months last year, was listed on cryptocurrency exchange Binance.
These innovations are creating the environment that the Antichrist and False Prophet will need to wire this world together for their evil purposes. We are within touching distance now and within the range for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and purchasing. With the Tribulation casting its shadow right here right now , we know that the Rapture of the Church happens before the time of Jacobs trouble!!
When the Antichrist will be revealed he will not require to set the stage for the New World will already be ready like its right now!!!All he will have to do is just flip the switch on...TO A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT...A ONE WORLD CURRENCY!!
Time is very very short! I urge you my dear brothers and sisters to share with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4, ROMANS 10:9-10)!
My pdf on the TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS speaks on the 2 words CONVERGENCE and AGENDA that define the final moments that we are living in! Please use it to wake people up!:
As bro Chad( Watchman on the wall 88) always says...
Let us not cease to teach and preach that Jesus is at the door, !!!
Final moments!!Preach the Gospel!
That trumpet is going to sound any day now!
God bless you
Watchman in the wilderness🙏
Previous video "Soul Crushing" --->
Follow up "Tiberius, Blitzkrieg, Power, Lake Of Fire" --->
For the details of how the Miltary is compromised check out "Kay Griggs Interview (1998)" --->
The people are now considered the enemy of the Government and Trump, the Deceiver in Chief, is coming to haveest your DNA at warp speed to establish the NWO Antichrist kingdom!
President Trump will not get rid of the emergency order because without it, he can't get emergency delivery of the vaccines. With the order, he can bypass protocol. Trump is the swamp.
Roy, the corporations don't care about us. Trump is the President of the Executive branch of the Corporation. Look into 1871. The Constitutional Republic has been usurped. Stop thinking they are government, they are corporations
Inside the Operation Warp Speed effort to get Americans a COVID-19 vaccine -->
Operation Warp Speed preps for COVID-19 vaccine delivery upon FDA approval -->'
Things that the Deceiver in Chief, Donald TheRump, didn't do like he promised.
"TROJAN TRUMP: I Would Have Voted for Trump if he had Done Anything to Bring Down the DTeep State" -->
Trust Stamp – Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History --->
Trust Stamp is a vaccination based digital identity program funded by Bill Gates and implemented by Mastercard and GAVI, that will soon link your biometric digital identity to your vaccination records. The program said to “evolve as you evolve” is part of the Global War on Cash and has the potential dual use for the purposes of surveillance and “predictive policing” based on your vaccination history. Those who may not wish to be vaccinated may be locked out of the system based on their trust score.
These crimes to take away your freedom are being committed right in your face and the jab will be executed under either Trump or Biden! All government leaders around the world are guilty of committing crimes against humanity related to this hoax "lie-rus" scam-demonic!
They have their logistics in place, and they have their forces in place to deny you your supplies and logistics (food, gas, money, etc). You don't surrender, and you don't eat.
It's time to get down on your knees and pray and decide where your red line in the sand is going to be,.
Only Jesus has overcome this world, believe in Him and you will be forgiven your sin, bon again and have eternal life (John 3:16). Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Rogersings
Brief : HISTORY OF The Corporate takeover of the United States of America , During the Civil War , the Constitutional Republic abandoned Congress , causing President Lincoln to institute martial law . the de jure republic was taken over by foreign insurgents , who replaced it with THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA , INC. in 1871 . this corporation went bankrupt in 1912 because of Reconstruction Era bonds , and forfeit to the holders of those bonds ; the Europeans banking interest behind the FEDERAL RESERVE . Maritime salvage liens was placed on every asset of the now Federalized States, as a surety on the debts incurred by the bond holders . in 1933 US INC. went bankrupt again ; a gold seizure and income tax was imposed on the people to pay off the foreign bankers . none of this was done in full disclosure ( 42 CFR 1001.1101 ,, USC 12 sec 12 1831 n (a)(2)(A) CFR 12 741.6 (b) , and such , it is not binding. The people are in fact the creditors, and not the debtors ( this is why you have a birth certificate and SSN , for they are banknote, a negotiable instrument that makes you the collatorial thru contracts of privileges and benefits ) , Due to ignorance and inaction , people give tacit consent to pay back the fraudulent debt, and remaining under control of the foreign " government " voting (giving your consent) for a Congressman and President today means acquiescence to the illegitimate rule of a corporation, Organic Act 1871 , Federal Reserve act 1913 , us code 12 sec. 95 ( a, b ) , Emergency Banking act 1933 .
All government leaders (including Trump) are guilty of commenting crimes against humanity by participating in this hoax "lie-rus" pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic which is crashing the economies of the world and putting people in fear of their bodies and in fear of one another in order to establish the Technocratic Tyranny takeover of the world - a Global Reset - a NWO - a setup of the Antichrist Kingdom under the religion of AI and "Fake Science". The testing, tracing and vaccination at "warp speed" is a means to take away your freedom and make you property of the New Global Government so they can control if you are a "fit" Global Citizen and determine where you can go, what you can do, whether you can buy or sell based on your Certificate of Verification ID - COVID!
Don't misunderstand Biden is part of the NWO too, his role to destroy the government by the people and for the people is more obvious than Trumps. We should be holding ourselves morally accountable to God and holding our elected officials to do what is right and that is the point ... this "lie-rus" has a .98 survival rate for those 50 years and younger. There is no pandemic and there is no need for a vaccination program ... therefore we should be exposing this evil and stopping those committing crimes against humanity by perpetuating this evil agenda ... this includes Trump!
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; - Ephesians 5:11
Don't you see, Trump is a distraction to capture the hearts and minds of Christians and at this point in time Christians are fighting to take "his" vaccination mark (as opposed to Biden's) so they can rule with Trump on this earth, instead of exposing this evil that "all" government leaders are committing upon the world under this plan-demonic spell. Christian are being deceived by the Deceiver in Chief ... they are dancing with the devil ... they are focused on a "man" who they want to rule over them, instead of exposing this NWO evil and instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and anticipating His Rapture and Return! The NWO Church of What's Happening Now is being formed before our eyes ... RCC NAR Jews Islam "Chrislam" ... it is the "Whore Woman" who will ride the Beast Kingdom.
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." - John 18:36
Bible Prophecy Mark of the Beast of Revelation --->
Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates and other tech luminaries react to Biden’s victory --->
Bill Gates Funds Invisible Quantum Tattoo Hidden In Coronavirus Vaccine For Storing Vaccination History -->
Tokenized Identity and Zero Knowledge Proofs -->
Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System -->
Trust Stamp – Bill Gates Funded Program That Will Create Your Digital Identity Based On Your Vaccination History --->
Bill Gates warns anti-vaxxers could stop Covid-19 jab working if they refuse to have it as Oxford University's experimental jab will now be tested in Brazil because Britain's outbreak is slowing -->
The word 'unprecedented' has become a part of our everday vocabulary!
Yes the world as we know it has changed forever....and its never going back!
The transition to a new world....A NEW WORLD ORDER has begun!
🎤Pastor Tom Hughes and Jan Markell stated that the last two times an event of this magnitude affected the entire globe was during Noah’s flood and the tower of Babel!
😈Behind the 'plannedemic' coronavirus there is a MAN WITH A PLAN!
🎤As pastor J.D Farag you need a MASK to buy things....very soon it will be a MARK!
📖REVELATION 13:16-18
16 And he causeth all, both small and great,...
When I connect all of the prophectic dots, it tells me this is setting the stage absolutely!!💯%....
💉🩺Doctor Carrie Madej studied DNA and vaccines for the past twenty years and made an urgent video in which she warns that there is a plan to inject humanity with very dangerous vaccines for Covid-19. The purpose of these new vaccines will be twofold:
1) reprogram our DNA and make us hybrids that are easier to control.
2) connect us to artificial intelligence through a digital vaccine ID, which will also open a whole new realm of control.
💉Article from
"The CRISPR technology works by coding for a specific gene sequence using guide RNA. When the appropriate DNA sequence is found, the Cas9 protein, working as a pair of scissors, cuts the DNA at the desired location. Once the cut has been made, the gene can be disabled, or missing genetic information can be inserted or replaced. The EU adopted a regulation introducing a temporary derogation to the GMO regulation for clinical trials on vaccines for COVID-19 utilizing gene editing technologies!"
Remote control biology
In 2014, DARPA’s BTO launched its “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program, which researches implantable nanotechnologies, leading to the development of ‘hydrogel’.
This contact lens-like nanotechnology material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G.📡
DARPA-developed hydrogel technology, in tandem with Profusa’s DARPA-funded light sensor technology, more than likely will deploy a coronavirus vaccine with the capacity to literally change our DNA!!
The gene-hacking injection is unlike any other. The new injection allows the gene-editing enzymes to stick to specific cell types by attaching different proteins onto the surface, which can't be done by the previous gene-hacking technologies.
The program, which was first launched in late 2018, will see Trust Stamp's digital identity platform integrated into the GAVI-Mastercard "Wellness Pass," a digital vaccination record and identity system that is also linked to Mastercard's click-to-play system that powered by its AI and machine learning technology called NuData.
Masking ulterior motives...
Trust Stamp's biometric identity system, largely funded by Mastercard's massive investment in the company in February, utilizes a technology it calls Evergreen Hash that creates an AI-generated "3D mask" based on a single photo of a person's face, palm or fingerprint. Once this "mask" is created, much of the original data is discarded and encryption keys are created in place of a person's name or other more traditional identifiers!!
These headlines say it all!!!...
✔💉The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and Intellectual Ventures are spending millions in creating a human implantable quantum dot microneedle vaccine mark with data storage that will work through an Enzyme Called Luciferase.
✔🚨DOD and HHS being Awarded a $138 Million contract to ApiJect systems to provide prefilled COVID-19 vaccine syringes with RFID microchip tracking system to be launched by OCTOBER 2020!
✔📲Thanks to COVID, Any Smartphone Can Now Be Tracked by Government Via Automatic Update!
✔🔌Rockefeller Foundation Paper Urges Testing and Tracing Entire US Population! , we can so clearly see the beast system being set up!
✔💻The H.R. 6666 a devil of a COVID-19 government surveillance plot to conduct activities such as contact tracing, through mobile health units and, as necessary, at individuals' residences, and for other purposes!
✔📳The GLOBAL ID2020 Covid-19 'IMMUNITY PASSPORT' set to launch by OCTOBER 2020 that combines digital identity with vaccinations,
blockchain and nanotechnogy , has announced that work is completed on first ever certification mark for 'Kiva protocal' implementing a global digital ID for buying and selling!
✔💳Mastercard joins blockchain digital identity alliance ID2020!
✔Microsoft who funds ID2020 files patent for the buying and selling of bitcoin cryptocurrency that works by a device attached to the human body that interacts with a computer network system. The publication number of this Microsoft patent is WO2020060606 - CRYPTOCURRENCY SYSTEM USING BODY ACTIVITY DATA!
The World's most secure Digital Health Passport, built on patented technology, awarded the 'Seal of Excellence' by the European Commission and being used by various United Nations Projects!!
✔Elon Musk's Neuralink Brain Chip Will Soon Allow Users to Take Charge of Moods and Emotions!
✔Google working on smart tattoos that turn skin into living touchpad!
✔Amazon launches contactless biometric palm reading technology that scans your right hand that allow you to buy and sell at stores!
✔Amazon Rolls Out Hand Scanner, and It's Already Being Compared to Revelation's Mark of the Beast!
✔Tory MP urges mandatory Covid-19 vaccine & certificate for travel!
✔GLOBAL depopulation tag-team!:Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for"Digital certificates"of coronavirus immunity!
✔Your “Immunity Passport” Future Begins to Materialize as Airlines Call for Digital ID Tracking Systems!
✔Bill Gates: We Can Only Go Back to 'Normal' When the Population is 'Widely Vaccinated'!
✔GLOBAL depopulation tag-team!:Anthony Fauci joins Bill Gates in calling for"Digital certificates"of coronavirus immunity!
✔Pope says coronavirus vaccine must be shared worldwide!
✔The WHO-backed program named “Covax” is led by the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations and the vaccine alliance Gavi!
✔UN stockpiling billion syringes for Covid-19 vaccine!
Microsoft has patented a system that uses human biometrics such as body heat and brain-wave activity to mine cryptocurrency. The patent, filed under international patent number WO-2020-060606 and titled ‘Cryptocurrency System Using Body Data Activity’, leverages human body activity as proof-of-work. The patent then gives examples of sensors that can be used to this end – such as “fMRI scanners,
electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, Radio Frequency sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner.”
With this biometrics-based cryptocurrency mining patent and other human microchipping projects under his belt, namely the Birth Control microchip implant and theimplantable quantum-dot vaccination record capsules being developed by MIT and ID2020 which is part of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, it is so clearly evident Bill Gates is the most prolific cybernetic-biohacker on the planet.
The real technology, with a sensor specifically made for detecting and keeping track of human biometrics, is a microchip implant being developed by a Danish Microsoft partner called BEZH International. After all, a microchip implant is the best sensor for bioemetrics as it is literally inside the body!
BEZH’s microchip implant is not only capable of storing and transmitting biometrics – including medical and genetic data, but it also compliments the entire cryptocurrency mining aspect of Microsoft’s patent as it comes with its own cryptocurrency, which for several months last year, was listed on cryptocurrency exchange Binance.
These innovations are creating the environment that the Antichrist and False Prophet will need to wire this world together for their evil purposes. We are within touching distance now and within the range for a centralized power to gain worldwide control of all banking and purchasing. With the Tribulation casting its shadow right here right now , we know that the Rapture of the Church happens before the time of Jacobs trouble!!
When the Antichrist will be revealed he will not require to set the stage for the New World will already be ready like its right now!!!All he will have to do is just flip the switch on...TO A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT...A ONE WORLD CURRENCY!!
Time is very very short! I urge you my dear brothers and sisters to share with simplicity (Not Religion) the gospel of our salvation (1 CORINTHIANS 15:1-4, ROMANS 10:9-10)!
My pdf on the TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS speaks on the 2 words CONVERGENCE and AGENDA that define the final moments that we are living in! Please use it to wake people up!:
As bro Chad( Watchman on the wall 88) always says...
Let us not cease to teach and preach that Jesus is at the door, !!!
Final moments!!Preach the Gospel!
That trumpet is going to sound any day now!
God bless you
Watchman in the wilderness🙏