MODERNA SETS RECORD w 48 hr VAX! - Faster than making a Sour Dough Starter - Feed Me Seymour!
Original "Headlines with a Voice" ---->
Little Shop of Horrors: The Director's Cut - "Feed Me, Seymour!" Clip --->
Sure take a rushed, brand new experimental type of mRNA vaccine for a "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for those under 50 years old ... what could go wrong?
Oh yeah, and for all the be "Q"uiet Trump supporters, don't forget to thank the Deceiver in Chief for bringing the NWO Tyranny to America at "warp speed". I know you are hoping with baited breath that the Trump Bank Sock Puppet will be the one "selected" to inject us with the "final solution" just like Bill Gates said. Of course it will be much better to be hung by a new narrastic rope like Trump than to be hung by an old sleepy rope like Biden. WAKE UP PEOPLE! All government officials are guity of committing crimes against humanity by participating in this scam-demic!
Nancy Morgan Hart --->
Moderna’s vaccine candidate was found to be 94.5% effective in clinical trials, the company announced last week.
The development process was unprecedentedly fast — only the team of Pfizer and BioNTech beat the newcomer in announcing results from a late-stage clinical trial.
It was also far more effective than expected: The Food and Drug Administration had said it would likely approve a candidate that showed at least 50% efficacy. Dr. Anthony Fauci had said he hoped for 70%.
Moderna's groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine was designed in just 2 days --->
AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’ - Dr Fauci --->
All government leaders (including Trump) are guilty of commenting crimes against humanity by participating in this hoax "lie-rus" pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic which is crashing the economies of the world and putting people in fear of their bodies and in fear of one another in order to establish the Technocratic Tyranny takeover of the world - a Global Reset - a NWO - a setup of the Antichrist Kingdom under the religion of AI and "Fake Science". The "fake PCR testing", tracing and vaccination at "warp speed" is a means to take away your freedom and make you property of the New Global Government so they can control if you are a "fit" Global Citizen and determine where you can go, what you can do, whether you can buy or sell based on your Certificate of Verification ID - COVID!
Don't misunderstand Biden is part of the NWO too, his role to destroy the government by the people and for the people is more obvious than Trumps. We should be holding ourselves morally accountable to God and holding our elected officials to do what is right and that is the point ... this "lie-rus" has a .98 survival rate for those 50 years and younger. There is no pandemic and there is no need for a vaccination program ... therefore we should be exposing this evil and stopping those committing crimes against humanity by perpetuating this evil agenda ... this includes Trump!
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; - Ephesians 5:11
Don't you see, Trump is a distraction to capture the hearts and minds of Christians and at this point in time Christians are fighting to take "his" vaccination mark (as opposed to Biden's) so they can rule with Trump on this earth, instead of exposing this evil that "all" government leaders are committing upon the world under this plan-demonic spell. Christian are being deceived by the Deceiver in Chief ... they are dancing with the devil ... they are focused on a "man" who they want to rule over them, instead of exposing this NWO evil and instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and anticipating His Rapture and Return! The NWO Church of What's Happening Now is being formed before our eyes ... RCC NAR Jews Islam "Chrislam" ... it is the "Whore Woman" who will ride the Beast Kingdom.
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." - John 18:36
Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!
Little Shop of Horrors: The Director's Cut - "Feed Me, Seymour!" Clip --->
Sure take a rushed, brand new experimental type of mRNA vaccine for a "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for those under 50 years old ... what could go wrong?
Oh yeah, and for all the be "Q"uiet Trump supporters, don't forget to thank the Deceiver in Chief for bringing the NWO Tyranny to America at "warp speed". I know you are hoping with baited breath that the Trump Bank Sock Puppet will be the one "selected" to inject us with the "final solution" just like Bill Gates said. Of course it will be much better to be hung by a new narrastic rope like Trump than to be hung by an old sleepy rope like Biden. WAKE UP PEOPLE! All government officials are guity of committing crimes against humanity by participating in this scam-demic!
Nancy Morgan Hart --->
Moderna’s vaccine candidate was found to be 94.5% effective in clinical trials, the company announced last week.
The development process was unprecedentedly fast — only the team of Pfizer and BioNTech beat the newcomer in announcing results from a late-stage clinical trial.
It was also far more effective than expected: The Food and Drug Administration had said it would likely approve a candidate that showed at least 50% efficacy. Dr. Anthony Fauci had said he hoped for 70%.
Moderna's groundbreaking coronavirus vaccine was designed in just 2 days --->
AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’ - Dr Fauci --->
All government leaders (including Trump) are guilty of commenting crimes against humanity by participating in this hoax "lie-rus" pandemic, plan-demic, scam-demic, scam-demonic which is crashing the economies of the world and putting people in fear of their bodies and in fear of one another in order to establish the Technocratic Tyranny takeover of the world - a Global Reset - a NWO - a setup of the Antichrist Kingdom under the religion of AI and "Fake Science". The "fake PCR testing", tracing and vaccination at "warp speed" is a means to take away your freedom and make you property of the New Global Government so they can control if you are a "fit" Global Citizen and determine where you can go, what you can do, whether you can buy or sell based on your Certificate of Verification ID - COVID!
Don't misunderstand Biden is part of the NWO too, his role to destroy the government by the people and for the people is more obvious than Trumps. We should be holding ourselves morally accountable to God and holding our elected officials to do what is right and that is the point ... this "lie-rus" has a .98 survival rate for those 50 years and younger. There is no pandemic and there is no need for a vaccination program ... therefore we should be exposing this evil and stopping those committing crimes against humanity by perpetuating this evil agenda ... this includes Trump!
Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them; - Ephesians 5:11
Don't you see, Trump is a distraction to capture the hearts and minds of Christians and at this point in time Christians are fighting to take "his" vaccination mark (as opposed to Biden's) so they can rule with Trump on this earth, instead of exposing this evil that "all" government leaders are committing upon the world under this plan-demonic spell. Christian are being deceived by the Deceiver in Chief ... they are dancing with the devil ... they are focused on a "man" who they want to rule over them, instead of exposing this NWO evil and instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ and anticipating His Rapture and Return! The NWO Church of What's Happening Now is being formed before our eyes ... RCC NAR Jews Islam "Chrislam" ... it is the "Whore Woman" who will ride the Beast Kingdom.
Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm." - John 18:36
Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!