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3 years ago
⁣Daniel Bulford, a Corporal for the RCMP and Trudeau's personal sniper bodyguard (similar to the US Secret Service), came to Nathan Phillips Square in Toronto (where City Hall is located), and gave a speech to hundreds of ralliers who came to protest against unconstitutional and unethical jab mandates. Bulford is also the spokesman for a new group called Mounties 4 Freedom, a recently formed group of various members of the RCMP and other law enforcement officers, who are speaking out against Trudeau's jab mandates.

To ⁣date, there have not been too many high profile people speaking out against the mandate, however this Sunday rally at Toronto's City Hall, had many high profile speakers, some of which included, Bulford, Dr. Julie Ponesse (former ethics professor) and Dr. Rochagne Kilian (an ER doctor based in Ontario, who recently had her license suspended for simply speaking out agains potentially deadly jabs!

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⁣⁣Yellow card scheme MHRA
Vaers website ~

Yellow card scheme MHRA Vaers = Only 1 ~ 10% of accurate figures

⁣However, for a more accurate idea as to the numbers of adverse reactions & death's following rhe jab, please see
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