Social Credit IS HERE! - HIDE Your Money From The TYRANTS! - The Epic Cash Solution With Max Freeman
3 years ago
⁣⁣Social Credit IS HERE! - HIDE Your Money From The TYRANTS! - The Epic Cash Solution With Max Freeman

Josh Sigurdson talks with Max Freeman of Epic Cash about Epic Private Internet Cash and why it's incredibly important to get out of fiat as well as surveillance oriented cryptos and into privacy coins like Epic in the face of vast technocracy and social credit.
It has never been more important to focus on privacy coins. With social credit driver's licenses in places like Utah (many other places to follow), vast surveillance by the tyrannical state, massive levels of inflation and the move towards a great reset, Epic is a project built on Mimblewimble which easily defends people against this inevitable foe.
Max Freeman explains the ins and outs of Epic Cash, where to get it (Vite Wallet), why it's different from other privacy coins and how it can be used as a currency as well as to be mined.
The scarcity proponent on top of the privacy and of course the coming Christmas airdrop of ERC tokens makes this one of the most bullish looking currencies of the decade.
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