Dr. David Martin | There Is No Return
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Clip from: Butterfly of the Week - Dr. David Martin - Sep 27, 2021
Butterfly of the Week - The Checks are Bouncing - September 27, 2021
When co-equal meets co-conspirator
David is very direct at 21:40 in saying: "We pretend that there are these nostalgic 'let's return-to days.' Let's return to the great days where things worked out. But you know what? There is no return. THERE IS NO RETURN." He then goes on to explain how our Executive, Legislative and Judiciary is completely owned by big pharma, oil and other special interests and why there are NO checks and balances. "There is zero means by which we the people can rely on a system that was never, ever, ever built for the people." We are failing because we fail to synchronize. David has sent emails out to a number of event planners stating that he will no longer be making appearances. "It's time for an inter-Continental Congress." This is one of David's most important messages because he personally experienced the ineptitude of dealing with a moronic "assistant" to an Attorney General from one of two "alleged" patriot states (Texas or Florida) who proved that the people don't matter and that the government is owned by special interests. This is a vital message for those filled with "hopium" and the thought that things will eventually return to normal.
Thank you, Apocolibri for the link, suggestion & synopsis :)
This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.
Dr. David Martin | There Is No Return
Dr. David Martin, Butterfly of the Week, The Checks are Bouncing, There Is No Return, September 27 2021.
Butterfly of the Week - The Checks are Bouncing - September 27, 2021
When co-equal meets co-conspirator
David is very direct at 21:40 in saying: "We pretend that there are these nostalgic 'let's return-to days.' Let's return to the great days where things worked out. But you know what? There is no return. THERE IS NO RETURN." He then goes on to explain how our Executive, Legislative and Judiciary is completely owned by big pharma, oil and other special interests and why there are NO checks and balances. "There is zero means by which we the people can rely on a system that was never, ever, ever built for the people." We are failing because we fail to synchronize. David has sent emails out to a number of event planners stating that he will no longer be making appearances. "It's time for an inter-Continental Congress." This is one of David's most important messages because he personally experienced the ineptitude of dealing with a moronic "assistant" to an Attorney General from one of two "alleged" patriot states (Texas or Florida) who proved that the people don't matter and that the government is owned by special interests. This is a vital message for those filled with "hopium" and the thought that things will eventually return to normal.
Thank you, Apocolibri for the link, suggestion & synopsis :)
This Content Is Mirrored. Please support the original creator. All credit, royalties and sincere thanks to the original source of this video.
Dr. David Martin | There Is No Return
Dr. David Martin, Butterfly of the Week, The Checks are Bouncing, There Is No Return, September 27 2021.