OMICRON Scariant - Dr. Andrew Kaufman
3 years ago
⁣MIRRORED FROM:Take the red pill:

Take the red pill wrote:

Why can't people see what is right in front of their eyes? Because we're trained to disregard.

Pretty much the same bag of tricks they've been pulling all along. Just slapped a new name on it and flipped former negative PCR results into positives.

They should probably prove the existence of a first virus before pretending they've found variations on bullshit.

Even people who know that this is a takeover still believe there's a virus. What the F!? How the hell? Don't you realize that YOU (the ones who believe in viruses) are perpetuating THEIR narrative?!

It's much easier to understand all of this by getting at the root. And the root is -- not just that there is no COVID-19 virus (in the
biological sense) -- it's that there are NO VIRUSES.

⁣But the average human ego will not allow this to be true. -- DON'T BE AVERAGE!

Don't discredit this information unless you've truly explored it with
an open mind. Subject: exosomes, extracellular vesicles. If you take
the time you'll realize that you're much stronger than you think you

Another good, recent video on the subject:
full video source:
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