Dr. David Martin | THE ENDGAME of the Elite - Jab Tyranny & WAR on Humanity
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3 years ago
⁣Exclusive: Dr. David Martin On THE ENDGAME of the Elite! - Jab Tyranny CONTINUES - WAR on Humanity.
Dr. David Martin interview by Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media at the Redpill Expo, November 6, 2021 .

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Josh Sigurdson talks with David Martin, PhD about the endgame of the global elite as they continue to push the world into a further, more abundant, more destructive tyranny.

As we see the inhumane, tyrannical push for 5 to 12 year olds to be jabbed with poison, David Martin goes into the end goal of the establishment and it's not exactly what you think!

Martin also goes into the solutions to this shocking totalitarianism and how people could save their children. He's dealing with several lawsuits right now as well.

We also talk about the lack of isolation of the so-called virus as the premise of the entire argument promoting the jab is based on a lie within a lie. From PCR tests not being able to test people for anything as far as diagnostics go to covid19 never being isolated from a human and simply cultured in vero monkey kidney cells. Then there's the fact that no study has ever claimed for a moment that being unjabbed hurts the jabbed in any way, shape or form. So all of the premises are based on a complete lie. So one would think we would wash our hands of all of this and relax, right? Instead, tyranny grows by the day and humanity is being robbed of independence and the world is being robbed of humanity. This is evil and will get worse before it gets better. But when will it get better?

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Featuring: Josh SigurdsonGraphics by Bryan Foerster and Josh Sigurdson.
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Dr. David Martin | THE ENDGAME of the Elite - Jab Tyranny & WAR on Humanity

Dr. David Martin, THE ENDGAME of the Elite - Jab Tyranny & WAR on Humanity, Josh Sigurdson, World Alternative Media at the Redpill Expo, November 6 2021.
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