The Meaning Behind “Vaccine” Lots - Webinar from Friday, January 7, 2022
3 years ago
⁣In this webinar, I discussed the meaning behind the “COVID vaccine” lots. My presentation references the research outlined in this video:

I also held a Q A session; topics include:
- What causes neuropathy?
- Genetic disorders vs. “field” disorders
- The meaning behind the timeframe for boosters when compared to other vaccines
- Urine therapy
- How does the analemma water wand change the water?
- Optimal lard and tallow consumption during the winter
- Why do we have 23 chromosomes?
- Iodine dosage
- Treatment for reoccurring boils on the skin
- Pumpkin and Fluffy update
- Treatment for flaky skin
- How to check pH
- Opinion on cell salts

⁣⁣My website:
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