Middle class Americans - poor and unemployed and relying on food banks to survive
4 years ago
Just check out how many expensive cars have queued up to get free food from the food banks. Since the making of this video, more Americans have lost their jobs and the total now stands at 51 million ALL struggling to put food on the table. So what will Trump, Biden or the Congress do about it? NOTHING ofcourse, they all wealthy from bribes and kickbacks so they will have a lovely Christmas whilst the ordinary Americans suffer in silence. So much for the season of goodwill and happiness. ;-(( ⁣https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/07/16/51-million-americans-are-unemployedheres-the-story-of-the-job-seekers-behind-the-numbers/?sh=6ebf10c86ac1
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