Possible Solar Flare To Be Used to Relocate You! Please Share!
4 years ago
Came across a tweet which referenced a possible solar flare(s) which could be several times larger than Earth and headed our way. Multiple sources report the same thing and even FEMA has been preparing for just this event which could wipe out our power grid. This is conjunction with the "pandemic" and "climate change" will most likely be used to create conditions where they will have the justification to relocate you and forcefully vaccinate you. We already know they have to ability to control the weather, by their own admission they were trying to "own" it by 2025. Hurricane Katrina in my opinion was a dry run for them to test forcefully relocating and disarming citizens and what our compliance level would be. Coronavirus is now them pulling the trigger and going for everything. If you can't safely isolate then you must be brought to a "quarantine center". Do not relocate and do not get that vaccine! This is all engineered and you must see through it!







https://youtu.be/kPPnpEF0Nsc (My "We Will Make You Safe, We Love You" Video)

https://youtu.be/uMspb7PgKcQ (Camp Fema 2 Full Video)
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