US FDA panel recommends Covid-19 vaccine! The priests of the NWO have SPOKEN! - Trust the Science -
4 years ago
⁣Original ----> ⁣

Click on "Like" or "Dislike" ... I understand that those here on BNT are seeking truth and they want this VAX train detrailed and the conductors of this scam-demic WARP SPEED execution express held accountable for crimes against humanity!


The sky is falling and Christmas is cancelled but have no fear ... Super VAX is HERE! This is programming from the Main Scream Media about a "deadly" virus with a 99.98% survival rate for those under 50 years old. It's so dangerous to your health that you have to be tested to find out if you are sick and the cure is so wonderful that when you get the VAX you will actually get sick and risk your future health! All praise to Big Brother Global Government and Big Paama Drug Pushers and the Big Tech propganda AI machine that silences free speech!

CNN --- Communist News Network ALERT! Fauci Drugged Administration (FDA) just gave their "expert scientific" opinion that the new, untested, experimental mRNA vaccine with unspecified ingredients and unknown long term side effects is completely SAFE for the public ... and if NOT well ... the manufacture has NO liability! Take the VAX to begin your life-time regiment of vaccines, bio tracing and complete control over your ability to come and go and buy and sell in the NWO society based on their COVID-PASS.

And what did you think they were going to say? "Sorry it's a hoax, everybody go back to life as before." When did the villain in a James Bond movie ever willingly give up and repent of his evil ways? I pray for the enemies of mankind that they will repent but I am not naive to think they will and I know God uses people at such a time as this to sound the alarm of evil doers in order to give Him the glory!

⁣Inside the Lab That Invented the COVID-19 Vaccine ---> ⁣

Not all doctors, scientist and people think it's a "smart idea" to "Spike" your blood and "Sucker Punch" your immune system with a mRNA sequence to prevent a sickness with a 99.98% survival rate for those under 50 years old. Yes, the DNA is the code of life and it's neat to see the high tech equipment and the information we have learned about our body but do we know enough to turn the defense system of our body from sickness over to Big Pharma and Big Brother? I trust the science of God not the fake science driving this plan-demic --->

⁣FDA Announces Deaths of Two Pfizer Vaccine Trial Participants as it Prepares to Issue Fast-track Authorization ---> ⁣

⁣Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trial Shows Alarming Evidence of Pathogenic Priming in Older Adults ---> ⁣

⁣Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy - but FDA denies that the temporary facial paralysis was caused by the shot ---> ⁣

⁣Philadelphia Priest Dies After Participating In Moderna COVID Vaccine Trial ---> ⁣

⁣Fox guest says COVID vaccine is “downright dangerous” and will send you “to your doom” Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: ---> ⁣⁣

The FDA says Pfizer’s Covid vaccine is safe and effective. But trial participants warn of intense symptoms after second shot ---> ⁣

U.K. Regulator Says People With Severe Allergies Should Not Receive Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine (Dec 9) ---> ⁣

⁣COVID-19 Vaccine Warnings Women Should Not Get Pregnant for at least 2 months after Vaccination | Armstrong Economics --->

(Note, the vaccine ⁣the vaccine may make you sterile)

The actual death totals for 2020 have not really increased in comparison to previous years. What has changed in 2020 is that no one is dying from the flu or heart failure or other pre-existing conditions!

This is my summary of the info from the CDC website for the last 5 years. Click on the links to verify this information or correct me if I am wrong. - Rogersings

Year Total Deaths Per Day
2016 2,744,248 7,518
2017 2,813,503 7,708
2018 2,839,205 7,778
2019 2,855,000 7,821
2020* 2,685,404 7,852 * from Jan 1 to Dec 8, 2020 = 242 days

Based on the calculations from the CDC website data there are about 30 more deaths per day in 2020 but this is a "smaller" increase in deaths from the previous years! The facts speak for themselves ... COVID is NOT a pandemic but a scam-demic to usher in the NWO Antichrist Kingdom! EXPOSE THiS EVIL! STOP THE HOAX! ARREST THE CRIMINALS! All government officials in every nation (including Trump and Biden) are guilty of committing crimes against humanity for participating in this scam-demonic! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY!

Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them - Ephesian 5:11

COVID19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud --->

Zionist Agenda Exposed by Dr Lorraine Day --->

Government Vaccination Programs: Crimes Against Humanity ---> ⁣

View Supplements for Covid treatment --->

Zelensky Covid-19 Treatment Protocol, 0420 ---> ⁣

⁣COVID-19 Outpatients – Early Risk-Stratified Treatment with Zinc Plus Low Dose Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin: A Retrospective Case Series Study ---> ⁣

PREVENTING COVID-19: Dr. Pierre Kory (FLCCC) Pushes for Approval of Ivermectin Treatment also this is the recommended Hospital Treatment For Covid-19 ---> ⁣

Dr Carrie Madej has set up a website exposing this whole Plan-demic ... focusing on the "Fake Science" concerning the "lie-rus" with a 99.98% survival rate for people under 50 years old. --->

The dangers of vaccines are well documented and many doctors believe vaccines are unnecessary with no benefit therefore this rushed "warp speed" experminal mRNA vaccine executed under Medical Martial Law should be avoided until "real" scientists and doctors have a chance to speak. The whole world is being deceived by a Luciferian agenda to advance the NWO Antichrist Kingdom and all government leaders (including Trump and Biden) are guilty of willingly participating in crimes against humanity! Jesus Only Y'all - JOY! - Maranatha! - Rogersing

The ABCs of Salvation explained -->
A - Admit your a sinner (Romans 3:23)
B - Believe Jesus is Lord (John 3:16)
C - Call upon His name (Romans 10:13)
Prophecy updates from JD Farag --->

A mRNA vaccine has never been used before on humans. The ingredients for the COVID-19 vaccines are NOT listed. There is NO consent form. There is NO liability for the vaccine manufacturer. The FDA has however provided a list of possible side effect! It's a NO from me dawg.

FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines : ---> ⁣⁣

1. Guillain-Barre syndrome
2. Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
3. Transverse myelitis.
4. Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encepholapathy
5. Convulsions/seizures
6. Stroke
7. Narcolepsy and cataplexy
8. Anaphylaxis
9. Acute myocardial infarction
10. Myocarditis/pericarditis
11. Autoimmune disease
12. Death
13. Pregnancy and birth outcomes
14. Other acute demyelinating diseases
15. Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
16. Thrombocytopenia
17. Disseminated introvascular coagulation
18. Venous thromboembolism
19 Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
20. Kawasaki disease
21. Multisystem inflammatory Syndrome in children
22. Vaccine enhanced disease
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